Close Call Rescue

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Factions of the Galactic Civil War and their leaders
Alliance To Restore The Republic (Rebel Alliance):Chancellor Mon Mothma, capital Yavin 4
Galactic Empire : Emperor Palpatine, capital Coruscant
Confederate Remanent: Chief Of State Lord Maul (in secret Snoke), capital Munnilist, (it's based off the Imperial Remnant) 

August 18,2015 Coruscant, Imperial Palace
Shawn walked into the palace heading for the throne room. Upon entering it was empty so he asked the courier droid " where's the Emperor?" The droid replied "in the sanctum throne room" Shawn turned away walking back down the stairs to the massive hall looking for it.

Upon entering it wasn't as big as the main throne room but had a window spanning all across horizontally and Palpatine was looking out it, "there's a traitor in our midst" Palpatine said coldly. "Who my lord?" Shawn asked getting closer standing just in front of the two red guards who stood on pedestals facing each other, but he sensed some sort of danger but didn't know where it was coming from. "Pestage has been in contact with that traitor Tracha here on Coruscant" Palpatine said still looking out the window, "what should I do?" Shawn asked, Palpatine responded "head to the 500 Republica and eliminate him and Trach" then the door slid open and the familiar mechanical breathing filled the room.

Shawn walked up and stood in the left of the throne as Vader entered but still felt that some danger was close, "yes my-" Palpatine said until suddenly Vader pushed him and Shawn aside with the Force. Shawn tumbled and looked up as Vader ripped the throne out throwing it out the window where it flew before exploding a distance away, then he said to the red guards "you didn't protect the Emperor!" Then threw them out the window as well. Vader then pointed at Shawn "you!" Walking over quickly the sound of his breathing quickened.

Grabbing his jacket Vader pointed at Shawn "the Emperor could've been killed and you did nothing!" Shawn was scared by Vader's anger and intimidating figure and said "Lord Vader with all due respect  I did sense something but wasn't sure of it" his voice shook with fear, Vader said "failure is not tolerated" letting go and Palpatine said "Vader enough leave the boy alone he has a mission to tend to" Shawn walked out of the throne room still visibly shaken. He went to the hanger and got in a speeder then flew off toward the large building,

Shawn was surprised by the height of the tower and hoped he wouldn't have to free climb it. Slowly stopping in a hover near the top Shawn jumped out onto a ledge pressing against the wall as much as possible before pressing his hand against a window shattering it with the Force catching the pieces throwing them off the ledge before quietly entering the room. He listened for anyone that might be near and heard a voice in the next room over so as quiet as a ghost he peeked around and saw Pestage talking to a hologram of Maul,

"I have the information regarding the hyperspace lanes Lord Maul but Palpatine's onto me" Pestage said. Shawn took the charges out of one of his pockets and set them around the door arming them to detonate when Pestage left the room, "was the bomb successful?" Maul asked. "I'm not sure I'm meeting my contact in the Senate at Monument Plaza in a little while" Shawn was slightly surprised by this but quickly set the last charge quickly leaving knowing that's where he'd be heading next. Just as he flew off the charges went off sending debris flying outward but he didn't look back and headed to the plaza which would be better concealed by dusk,

Shawn landed on a building just beyond the plaza before reaching a vantage point so as to find whoever this contact was. After an hour or two a Senatorial looking man stepped into an alley so Shawn silently followed from on the roof, dropping down without making the slightest sound he saw the Senator say something into a hologram of Maul "Pestage is dead what do I do I can't get to Munnilist now" Maul replied "your work has been very appreciated Senator but it's no longer needed". The Senator said "but if the Emperor finds out a helped plant the bomb he'll send one of his Hands after me" then Maul replied " then it's too late now" then it cut out.

Shawn reached out with the Force and choked the Senator who coughed and sputtered looking back right at him "please *gag* don't kill me" Shawn didn't want to kill him but knew he had no say in the matter so he looked away and snapped the Senators neck. Without looking he began making his way back to his speeder before he heard "hey back off!" From below so he stopped to see what was going on. He saw about six Imperial cadets were surrounded against a wall by some muggers who held both blasters and vibroblades threateningly with one on the ground holding his left temple which bled profusely, Shawn wondered if he should help but knew if revealed to the cadets it wouldn't end well for them

Oh what the hell, he thought and jumped down landing on his foot before landing on his knee slamming his fist into the ground sending a wall of Force energy at the muggers who went flying away from the cadets. "Whoa" one of the cadets said , Shawn sensed someone approaching from behind so he spun around catching the arm of an attacker before punching them in the side before pushing the mugger back, " come on let's go" the leader of the muggers said and they ran off. Shawn turned around and held his hand out and said "need some help there", the cadet grabbed his wrist and Shawn pulled him up,

"That was amazing how'd you do that?" One asked in a curious tone, Shawn shrugged and said "it's a secret" one of the others a pretty blond girl asked "what are you ISB?, Shawn replied "no it's classified" the girl extended her hand "Ciena Ree and you?" Shawn shook her hand "Shawn nice to meet you", Ciena said to the guy who held his bloodied temple "Thane you need to work on hand to hand so that doesn't happen" Thane said "hey I could've taken them down if that guy didn't hit me so fast". Then Ciena asked " thank you for helping us" Shawn said "your welcome and next time bring a blaster" before he walked away.

Imperial Palace,
"Is Pestage..taken care of?" Palpatine asked, "yes he had a contact in the Senate who was also taken care of" Shawn replied. Palpatine said "excellent work Hand Mendes did anyone see you?" Shawn knew he couldn't lie so he told the truth "yes six Imperial cadets were being mugged so I dealt with their attackers" Palpatine seemed pleased and nodded "very well but it'll be of no concern for you've accomplished the task".

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