Part 165

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Dragonstone, May 26th, 2016
"Your Grace, the Lannister's occupy only the Crownlands, Riverlands and Westerlands if we invade now then Cersei will be caught off guard" Ser Devon Hightower explained pointing to the little lion head pieces on the table set where troops were, "what about the North, Ramsay Bolton is dead the Starks now reoccupy Winterfell we should join forces with them". "Nonsense we must focus our efforts down south, if the Lannister's capture the Reach the realm will starve and it appears to be where they march" Lady Olenna said. Shawn watched as they all planned their war right in front of him, just then Ellaria Sand and Yara walked in from separate doors, along with Yara was an man in his twenties and a leather vest armor with a knight holding a bow on it. "Lady Ellaria and Lord Dickon Tarly, Your Grace" Missandei said. "Oh more are showing up, as if this mute statue wasn't already watching us" Olenna said pointing at Shawn.

"Sorry My Lady, I'm only allowed to watch" Shawn said apologetically, "no need to be sorry, come hither" Olenna said beckoning him over as Yara sat in the chair next to where Shawn stood, "don't torment the boy Lady Olenna I'm told his Emperor wouldn't like it" Yara commented, "if his Emperor was so great my dear he should've killed Joffrey and not had me and Lord Baelish do so" Olenna responded then grabbed Shawn's wrist, "please tell me you didn't bring that Lord Vader beast with you?" She asked but had no fear. "No I didn't, he's watching me though and can order me to leave if he wants" Shawn said knowing the Fleet still orbited the planet, "how does he communicate his orders, by sending a raven or a horse?" Olenna asked letting go of his wrist.

Ellaria Sand glared at Shawn with a untrustworthy expression, "Your Grace why threaten this meeting by having foreigners listen in?" She asked Daenerys, her accent had a Latin sound to it, "Shawn here is on assignment from his Emperor, you will show him courtesy Lady Ellaria, he is a Prince after all" Daenerys said. She wasn't right nor wrong as an Emperor's Hand was essentially a Prince or Princess if they weren't already royalty but that was what they were referred to as in the palace and nowhere else, "my apologies" Ellaria said to Shawn. "Your Grace, my father Lord Randyll is sworn to the Tyrells, he fought for your father and wishes to fight for you once more if you'll have him" Dickon said to Daenerys.

"Yes I will, Lord Tyrion, send a raven to Winterfell, tell this new King In The North I seek an alliance with him" Daenerys said, "of course Your Grace, Lady Sansa will be most gracious I'm sure of it" Tyrion replied. "I have a proposal my Queen" Ser Devon said, "why not have the foreigner bring his Empire into the fray on our side", "that's not gunna happen" Shawn said, "why not is your Emperor a coward?" Ser Devon asked. "No, I haven't talked to him for a while so I don't know" Shawn replied, "aye, you haven't " Ser Devon said walking over, "what are ya doin' 'ere then?", "I think you're a damned spy for the Lannister's" he said reaching for his dagger.

Shawn drew his blaster and pressed it to Ser Devons neck as the Unsullied pointed their spears at him, "I am a spy, just not for them, so don't accuse me of something that's not true, it'll just mess up her plans" Shawn said. "Get back boy, or I'll have your head" he said spitefully. Shawn backed off holstering his blaster, "Ser Devon, the next time you threaten someone and it disrupts our meetings you'll lose a hand understood?" Daenerys said. "My apologies Your Grace, I meant no offense" Ser Devon apologized profusely, "does anyone else wish to threaten someone too?" Olenna asked. "Pardon me" Shawn said walking out of the meeting.

He walked out of the castle along the seashore watching the waves crash against the rocks and sand for quite some time. His holoprojector beeped which he took out and answered, a small hologram of Vader's head appeared along with his breathing, "Mendes, have you found this dragon queen?" Vader asked, "yes sir, we're on a place called Dragonstone, everyone is planning their invasion right now" Shawn replied. "Good, observe what battles follow, the Emperor finds it most intriguing" Vader said as the transmission ended and Shawn put the device back in his pocket.

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