First Visit A Test

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Kings Landing, August 23,2015
Shawn was informed the King was off on a hunting trip so he'd have to speak with the direct secondary Lord Tywin better known as the Hand Of The King the highest authority after the King himself. Upon walking in Shawn saw Tywin was at his desk writing a letter with a quill, "please come closer" Tywin said making a summoning gesture. Shawn walked in sitting in the chair in front of the desk, "I was told you wished to speak with me" Tywin said not looking up from his paper,

" yes the Emperor wants to know if the Empire could build a base here to supply our troops" Shawn replied, "really and so he sends a mere boy to negotiate these types of offers if your Empire is as powerful as you claim" Tywin said. That did get at Shawn a little but he said "well the Grand Vizier could um assist if possible but the Emperor rarely leaves the palace and my superior will be here shortly", Tywin said "tell me does your Empire have problems with any rebellion?". Shawn replied "uh yes", "and what did the Emperor do in response" Tywin said as he folded the paper pouring wax on the ends, "he started a war" Shawn responded.

"And if he did start a war why would we host a facility that might draw in these rebels" Tywin said sternly, "we'd do what we can to stop these rebels", Tywin looked up "what ever you can" then stamped the wax with a small metal press before pushing the paper aside and dipping the quill in the ink before continuing writing on another paper "you're still here" he said monotony, " well it's just we'd need your trust the Emperor is an honorable man and doesn't like being double crossed so he needs to know if you trust me his Hand", Tywin said " really you're his Hand" setting his quill down and giving him a cold glare.

"I don't distrust you because you're just a boy I distrust you as you're too clever for our world", Tywin said picking the quill back up " nor your Emperor but if he could personally sway the King I'd suggest you bring him here". Shawn stood up and said " thank you sir" then walked out, "Excuse me where might I find Lord Tywin" an older woman said as he walked down the hall. "Down that way ma'am" Shawn said pointing behind. " I recognize you you're the Offworlder" the woman said, "pardon me I am Lady Olenna of House Tyrell", Shawn said " it's an honor", " tell me will we expect the arrival of your Emperor soon" Olenna asked, "the Emperor doesn't leave the palace a lot but I'll see what I can do". Then he walked away as Olenna passed him as well,

"Lord Vader the King wasn't here but I spoke with his second in command" Shawn said to the hologram, "and did they consider our offer?" Vader asked, "no exactly they want the Emperor to come here" Vader replied "very well I'll ask the Emperor expect him within two days time", the transmission ended and he put the holopad back in his pocket. He strolled around for a while admiring the sight of the sea just beyond the wall while focusing on the Force until he turned a corner running into a handmaiden carrying several books, "Oh I'm sorry let me get that for you" Shawn said picking up the books handing them to her, "apologies my lord" the girl said. "I'm not a Lord" Shawn said, "wait I know you you're the Offworlder aren't you" she asked in a curious tone "I am yes", Shawn replied and noticed she was blushing very noticeably " what's your name?" Shawn asked, "Mira" She replied  "well I need to get these to Lady Margaery" before strolling off,

August 25,2015
King Joffrey had returned and now the Emperor had come as well, Shawn waited in the courtyard when the shuttle landed. The royal guards first exited before Palpatine with his cane in hand and Vader, Vizier Amedda and Maarek exited. " Ah this planet is quite lovely" Palpatine said as they were escorted to the throne room, the doors were opened "Your Grace may I present Emperor of the stars Palpatine" a speaker said to Joffrey. "It's an honor to meet you in person Your Highness" Joffrey said rising from the Iron Throne, "it's an honor to meet you as well Your Grace" Palpatine said in response, "please come we've much to discuss" Joffrey said,

Even from a distance Shawn heard Palpatine and Joffrey talking "it's not everyday you meet a man who rules over billions I'm told" Joffrey said, Palpatine replied " and your cultures are quite interesting so simple it's almost peaceful in a way", Joffrey said "yes but it wasn't too long ago that peace was gone and traitors ran rampant", Palpatine said "then these traitors should be found and executed". Joffrey replied "exactly tie weights to their ankles and throw them over the cliff", Maarek whispered to Shawn "I think the Kings a little extreme", Shawn replied " I heard he had some peoples heads on sticks for three weeks" Maarek replied "are you serious man he's crazy".

After half an hour it was apparent that Palpatine and Joffrey shared similar ideals in terms of government such as the absolute authority of the monarch "we do have one legislative body the Imperial Senate" Palpatine said, "a Senate? Very primitive wouldn't you say" Joffrey replied scoffing slightly, Palpatine said " I will tell you this Your Grace once we've finished a new weapon I plan to dissolve the Senate entirely". However after an hour of seemed clear that the King didn't want to turn them into a target to which Palpatine replied "oh very well I must be going it was an honor to meet you" then walked out, Shawn and Maarek followed but Vader stopped them "you two stay here for another couple days in case the Rebels plan anything similar" he said. "Of course Lord Vader" Shawn said,

August 26,2015
"This is an interesting turn of events" Lady Olenna said, "what do you mean?" Shawn asked, "the King not wanting to ally with your Empire it must've been something else I suspect Queen Cersei" Shawn said " what could she have done?", "Cersei is deceitful, power hungry like your Emperor with all due respect she might've manipulated the King in some way" Olenna said, "want should I do ask her to reconsider?". Shawn asked, "It'd be wise but be warned she isn't the most open minded woman", Olenna said. The doors to the throne room opened and Cersei and Tyrion sat in two chairs in front of the Iron Throne. " to what do we owe the pleasure Lord Mendes?" Cersei said, "I'm no lord Your Grace my rank as Hand isn't um political" Shawn responded thinking the words sounded too big for his liking, " very well then what brings you before us?" Cersei asked, "the Emperor wishes to know if the King has considered his generous offer" Shawn said.

" the King hasn't decided as of yet whether or not to agree to this yet" Cersei said "I'd advise you not to concern yourself with these matters" she added, Shawn wasn't expecting a rebuke like that "I have to concern myself with these matters Your Grace its why I'm here". Tyrion pipped in setting his wine glass down on the table next to him "he is a threat to the Crown isn't he the most dangerous boy in all the Seven Kingdoms" in a sarcastic yet condescending tone to Cersei, "my sense says he'll say anything to get what he wants..which is not very encouraging" Cersei said with slight anger in her expression.

"But it is no matter big sister leave the boy alone he's no threat to us" Tyrion said, Cersei said nothing but walked out, "pardon my sister Hand Mendes she's been a little off edge lately please excuse me" Shawn nodded then walked out of the throne room wondering what would happen next only hoping he didn't just ruin the whole deal. That night he looked out the balcony unable to sleep still very curious about this world and how it worked, then he felt someone's presence and looked around not seeing anything, Then a small dart was fired at him which Shawn stopped without looking with the Force while looking around for its source but saw nothing.

Thinking it might've been someone from the castle he cloaked himself while slowly walking down the halls before he passed Tywins office and heard multiple voices Tywin one of them "you're saying you were bested by a 17 year old boy who stopped a poison dart mid air do you know how petty and pathetic that sounds" Tywin said, "it wasn't that simple m'lord he's a sorcerer or whatever he is" a hoarse voice said, "I don't care if he's the son of the Lord Of Light we tried and failed that'll be all". Shawn quickly ran back almost panicked but something told him it was a test of some kind but that a great danger lay ahead,

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