Breaker Of Chains

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Shawn flew toward the largest continent following a ripple in the force. This place had a more desert look to it and he landed near a city that had some sort of army outside it, he climbed out and cloaked the ship before making his way around looking for this one Palpatine had told him about. Soon he sneaked around and suddenly there was some sort of screech behind him and he turned around and what he saw was high dazzling yet terrifying it was a dragon.

The dragon screeched at him and then several Warriors with long spears jumped down from the cliffs around surrounding him. "I come in peace" Shawn said raising his hands slightly, one of the Warriors approached and said something in a language that sounded like a mix of European languages. Shawn listened with the force and heard "Who are you and what brings you to Yunkai?" Shawn asked "do you speak the common tongue" remembering what Tyrion had told him about their world. "Yes and who are you?"  the warrior asked and Shawn replied "I come to make contact with your leader".

The warrior looked at him with a look of suspicion and Shawn ever so slightly made a wave gesture in a persuasion trick. The warrior said something to the other Warriors and said "follow me". Shawn followed the Warriors with the dragon overhead until reaching some sort of tent were at the end sitting on a couch with two other dragons was a beautiful woman about twenty who looked at him curiously.

She made a "come closer" gesture and Shawn stepped in and one of the dragons screeched at him and he stopped, then a woman off to the side said "young one you are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen,Queen of the Andals,Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea,Breaker Of Chains, And Mother Of Dragons"

Daenerys said "you may approach" in a voice that sounded gentle yet commanded authority, "it's an honor to meet you your grace" Shawn said and bowed slightly. "You're certainly not from here where are you from?" Daenerys asked, Shawn replied "another world I come on behalf of the Galactic Empire" Daenerys looked intrigued and said "are you an emissary or something else such as an assassin?" Shawn replied "yes and yes and my title is Emperor's Hand", Daenerys said "what's your name?" He replied "Shawn".

Daenerys said "well Shawn I welcome you to our lands" Shawn said "thank you your grace". He explained how he got there and the same info about the Galaxy and the Empire as well as Earth then he said "I'm trained to use an energy field called the force" Daenerys asked "and what can you do with this force?" Shawn said "levitate objects and sense everything around me even if blindfolded as well as control animals to a degree" Daenerys looked interested and said "could you demonstrate it?".

Shawn held his hand at one of the dragons, the dragon screeched but jumped down from its pedestal and used its wings as front legs as it walked over. Shawn removed his glove and held his hand out again as the dragon got closer, it stopped and sniffed his hand before rubbing its head on his palm and Shawn pet its head then released its mind. The dragon still stood there "he seems to like you" Daenerys said.

Shawn smiled and asked "what's his name?" Daenerys said "Rhaegal", Shawn felt the talisman get warm and pulled it out and it was a yellow orange color. "What is that you have there?" Daenerys asked, Shawn stepped away from Rhaegal and put his glove back in and said "this talisman was given to me by ancient spirits on the planet Korriban it tells me if one can use the force" he was more curious as to why it was glowing a fire color. Several days later Daenerys army liberated the city of Meereen and Shawn observed their tactics from a far and was confused when a single solder from the city rode pit taunting them in the language he learned was called Valyrian and walked away knowing it wouldn't end well.

Great Pyramid Of Meereen, May 15,2015
Shawn walked around sensing a ripple in the force somewhere in the palace, he went through many halls before reaching a massive door. Around the right side of it was a mechanism of some sort, Shawn looked at it for a minute and then using the force moved the various stones into the correct patterns he guessed and the stones went in and the door slid open with a grinding rock sound.

He stepped in and saw there was a map of the Galaxy on one side with a triangle linking the three worlds together with a text written in a language he'd never seen. Shawn took out his holoprojecter and said "translate this" and a blue light scanned it and said "language unknown", then Malgus formed next to him and said "it's written in ancient Sith and says that these three worlds are siblings but should be kept secret from each other" Shawn then looked around and saw there was a map of Europe.

This text was written in Basic so he scanned it, "native year of 1350 the mutated strain of Aorth-6 that came from a Republic ship has spread across their known world and the emperor has decided that they be saved in case extinction on this continent happens". Then he scanned the other one "the entire uninfected population has been cloned and swapped with the original populations who lay in stasis on their voyage to a new planet on the edge of the Galaxy where their civilizations have been recreated in a way but a species on their destination that flys and breaths fire has been exchanged" Then that was the end.

Shawn was left with more questions than answers, then he sensed someone was there and turned around and it Ventress, "well hello there" she said and ignited her lightsabers.

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