Rescuing The Airbenders

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Shawn and Maarek ran outside and it was chaos as the entire upper ring and the whole city had descended into anarchy with rioters and looters all over. Shawn looked to his right and Mako and Bolin had run out of the prison "hey guys over here!" He yelled, running over Mako said " the whole city's a war-zone we gotta get out of here" Bolin said " let's snatch an airship".

Shawn saw four airships and said "get that one" and they ran over to the first one entering it, upon walking in the deck officer said "this is a military transport you must leave" Maarek suddenly waved his hand to the side flinging the officer against the wall with a loud *clang* and he said "I'm afraid we're confiscating this vessel now you can leave willingly or I'll throw you out the window" then released the officer who immediately ran out. Walking over to the controls Mako asked "you know how to fly this thing?" Shawn said "no I don't" Maarek said "I can fly anything" and began fiddling with the controls until taking off.

"Where do we go now" Shawn asked, Mako replied "head to the lower ring" Maarek moved the airship over the chaotic upper and middle rings where fires had started. "Stop here" Bolin said and Maarek stopped the ship over a apartment block, Then Bolin went down a rope to the block. Suddenly Shawn's comlink beeped and he answered it "yes?" It was Korra "Shawn where are you?" At first he was surprised but remembered he'd given her a comlink in January.

"Over the lower ring in Ba Sing Se" Korra said "you'll need to do that teleportation thing just outside the Northern Air Temple" Maarek asked "where is it?" Korra replied "northwest of the city" Shawn turned to Mako and asked "you take care of this whatever they need help with we can get there a lot faster" Mako said "I'll get them to Zaofu just go" Maarek grabbed Shawn's arm and the usual disorienting warp went through the air.

Then they were aboard an airship "wow you got here fast" Korra said, Maarek said "well you did say get here as quick as ya can". They were gathered around a map that was on a table in the middle of the passenger compartment. "What's happened?" Shawn asked, Lin replied "Zaheer's taken the airbenders hostage and'll kill them unless Korra hands herself over to them".Korra had gone into another room for a couple minutes before emerging "I've agreed to give myself over to the Red Lotus Zaheer promised to exchange me for the airbenders".

May 24,2015
The next day the plan was set while Korra met with Zaheer to hand herself over they'd swoop in and capture Zaheer and the others. Shawn hung on the rope on the side of the cliff where ten Metal Clan security officers were as well, after five minutes he sensed something was wrong and the radio went off "chief it's a trick the airbenders aren't here get Korra out of there" Mako said, Lin said "go!". Shawn began going up as fast as he could until detaching the rope and landing on top of the cliff, Maarek landed on the other side until an explosion ripped through the air as P'li began combustion bending at them.

She looked right at Shawn and fired at him, Shawn held his hand up forming an invisible force wall in front of him and the blast hit it. Then he dashed for cover behind a boulder, Maarek ran over and said "there's no way we can get at her" Shawn looked over and fired some lightning at P'li. P'li fired at the lightning but missed and it hit her, suddenly she looked right at him and prepared to fire. Then Su bended a metal sheet at her that wrapped around her head as she fired vaporizing her instantly.Shawn then ran up the hill where Zaheer had Korra over his shoulder "release her now!" he yelled igniting his lightsaber, Zaheer was holding some sort of necklace and reciting some sort of poem. Shawn then carefully aimed and threw his lightsaber, Zaheer stepped off the cliff just as the blade was about to hit him,

Shawn caught the hilt and ran over to the edge of the cliff and saw Zaheer was literally floating above a small cloud. Sensing the force was at work he reached his hand out and tried to catch him in a grip but Zaheer zipped off with Korra, Maarek then threw a homing device onto the Red Lotus airship then asked "did he just fly?" Maarek said. Shawn replied " yeah and he has Korra". Then Lin and Su ran over. "What's that you threw?" Lin asked Maarek, he replied "a tracking device the fleet'll notify us if the airship stops somewhere", Fifteen minutes later there was a beep and Maarek said "the airships stopped about three miles from here".

Then Shawn's comlink beeped and said "yes?" Fida replied "Lord Vader requests your prescence" Shawn was a little surprised and said "what for?" Fida replied "he wouldn't say but he said its urgent" Shawn clicked a button on his comlink that summoned his ship in which arrived five minutes later. Before getting in Shawn asked Maarek "where you going now?" Maarek replied "well my job here's done I'm guessing to Raxus" then he vanished right there.

Shawn got in the Strings and before he did said to Su "good luck" she replied "come back when you can". Then he closed the cockpit and flew off.

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