Hunt For The Plans (Part 1)

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That night Shawn kept hearing what sounded like voices speaking an alien like language in his dream, then he saw what looked like an ancient Egyptian throne room with several cloaked figures walking in one holding a holocron, "who are you?" The man on the throne asked, "your gods" the lead figure said. Then it cut to a trial of some kind "Senator Darum you have been charged with attempting to negotiate with the Persian Empire against the wishes of the Senate, second for claiming to be a mystical demigod like warrior how do you respond to this?" One man said reading off a scroll, "that is the same reason I was cast out from my home for trying to reason with force rather than useless bloodshed" Darum said.

"By a majority you've been sentenced to death" the judge said, Next it showed something else. "Sir what do you make of this" a military officer of some kind said in German to another man who held a holocron " what is it exactly?" He said looking over it confused by it "it feels...alive" he added, "perhaps it should be given to the Führer" the other officer said, "very well then Heer Rommel it seems the Führer will like it very much", this was followed by a loud shriek that made Shawn snap awake his fist raised at nothing.

The next morning as he went down to the hanger Shawn passed Maarek who looked exhausted "I HATE mountains so much" Maarek said, Shawn chuckled a little "why?", "oh try running up a mountain that's thirty miles high and finally catching some spy after like three hours" Maarek replied before walking away,

Devastator, Iloh system
The fleet exited hyperspace above the tropical planet of Iloh and engaged the Rebel ships overhead. "Hand Mendes you will infiltrate the base and steal the plans am I clear?" Vader said sternly, "yes sir" Shawn said walking away. He got in the Strings activated the cloak before flying down to the planets surface, avoiding lasers was tricky yet he was calm but cautious at the same time. Landing at a small clearing Shawn jumped out seeing several AT- AT walkers being dropped by light cruisers and began advancing in the distance,

Then he saw the Rebel base a pyramid like structure with many running around readying to depart. Shawn quickly snuck through the foliage to the edge of the base, then he sensed a presence and looked to his right, a type of stormtrooper he'd never seen was there with about six others blasters aimed at the base. The NCO made a shush gesture then a move in one, Shawn nodded before concentrating and he became invisible. Then he ran to an open door and rushed in drawing his blaster holding it slightly parallel to the ground, the base shook violently from explosions as more personnel rushed around. Shawn then saw a green holoscreen and realized it was the command center, He silently crept in looking for any sort of computer terminal the plans might've been in.

Then he Shawn saw a blinking usb like drive sitting on a crate in the corner, he went over and picked it up. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his back and realized he'd been stabbed, Shawn yelled out loudly in pain and was now visible, he spun around punching his attacker in the face but still felt the blade in his back. He ducked under the swings catching their arm and throwing them one side, then someone slashed his down upper arm and leg which caused him to again yell out in pain as another slashed his side.

Shawn struggled to stand up but then as one of the others attacked he caught them in a Force choke while sending the others flying back, The masked man choked tugging at his neck. Shawn however felt his teeth gritting but didn't know it was from either pain or anger as it felt like both. Then he realized they had a almost ninja appearance but weren't Maladians but Kage Warriors 

Someone fired a blaster but Shawn stopped the bolt mid air and sent it back surprising the shooter who fell limp, then he looked back over to the left and a blade cut his right temple. This time he felt a sort of adrenaline rush over and he ignited his lightsaber and cut down the attacker before the others even as his blood ran into his eye, one of them grabbed the plans and ran out. Shawn didn't even notice as he cut down the last one but realized what he'd done and was startled for a second before trying to follow the Rebel woman, he drew his blaster and fired hitting her in the leg but she kept running. Shawn fired again but saw gray in his vision and even felt himself fading a little, Then he saw the elite stormtroopers had rushed over the base destroying a ship which exploded in a bright fireball. At the last minute he reached out with the Force for the drive and the Kage warrior struggled pulling in the chain even dragging his feet in the sand, Shawn then fell to his knees before landing down in the sand and slowly passing out.

The Ghost
"Commander Sato said we have to get these plans" Hera said clicking a few buttons as the ship went through hyperspace, "I don't like it might be Imps there already" Zeb said, "there's no friendly transmissions coming from the base they must be in a lockdown drill" Sabine said. "I wouldn't be so sure" Kota said guiding Kanan in, "you'll adapt over time to see with the Force" Kota said to Kanan who rubbed the patch covering his eyes. "Arriving in three two one" Hera said as the ship dropped out of hyperspace into the battle overhead, "whoah!" Sabine said as a TIE fighter screamed by firing at an X-wing. " Get us to the surface!" Kanan said as Hera made a rapid descent to the surface, "careful ya might wake Ezra up" Zeb said from his turret firing at a group of fighters that's began pursing them.

"Oh no we got a problem there's ten walkers firing on the base everyone's leaving!" Sabine said from her comlink, "the ships communications are being jammed we can't contact the base they might've already left" Hera said beginning her descent and landing near the shuttle. Sabine,Hera , Kota and Kanan readied their weapons as the ramp dropped, Sabine fired at one of the dark armored stormtroopers who fired back as they took cover behind a line of crates with other rebel solders who exchanged fire with the Imperial troops. Kota deflected several laser bolts as Zeb fired his bo- rifle, Sabine then ran over to the hanger entrance and saw Kage Warriors. One of them had the Confederate symbol on his helmet, she yelled "Kanan they're Kage Warriors from the Separatists!" But something on the ground caught her attention.

She saw Shawn lying face down in the sand a knife in his back and a large amount of blood had pooled around him in several areas from other large cuts, "Hera get over here!" She yelled firing her pistols at the stormtroopers, Hera fired her rifle as she made her way over "what is it?" Sabine pointing at Shawn said "look it's that kid Kanan's been talking about the Kage Warriors they must've killed him" she said almost horrified by what she saw, Hera crawled over to Shawn putting her fingers to his neck and felt a pulse "he's not dead but we have to get the plans back" she said firing killing the warrior who held the small chip.

Sabine ran over firing her pistols ducking over swinging blades even kicking one of the Warriors in the face before she grabbed the small chip before running back over, Kota said "quick back to the ship!" Blocking several laser bolts, " wait we can't leave him!" Sabine protested, "there's no time go" Hera said backing up into the ramp of the ship killing two of the elite stormtroopers as she did. The others ran onto the ship before flying off,

"Lord Maul the rebels escaped with the plans" the Kage leader said, Maul said "retrieve them and don't fail me again". "Sir an Imperial agent wielding a lightsaber infiltrated the base at the same time" the Kage leader said, "leave him to die" Maul said switching the transmission off. "These plans are vital to the Empire" Snoke said from another hologram "you do realize their importance?" He said again, "of course master but these rebels will prove to a more formidable enemy then we thought" Maul replied.

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