Nowhere Is Safe

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July 23,2015,Nashville
Shawn was backstage chatting with Mara "what I wanted to catch the show" Mara said chuckling, "how'd you get back here?" Shawn asked. Mara held her hand up waving it "by doing this". The agent said "Shawn you're up" he picked up his guitar and walked on stage and almost went deaf from all the screams but also sensed the excitement and happiness in the air, After he finished the opening Taylor passed him as he walked off stage where Mara was leaning against the wall "wow you did great". "Thanks" Shawn replied, Mara said "well some news the CR has broken through our lines and are pushing east and south let's just say The Emperor and Lord Vader are quite upset" the war hadn't been on Shawn's mind for a while so he responded "hopefully it won't come here again", then Shawn sensed someone approaching and the door opened. "Hi Camilla" Shawn said, "hey Shawn" Camilla responded,

But then the talisman felt warm and Shawn knew what it meant Camilla was Force-sensitive, "oh hi Mara" Camilla said in a obvious distrustful tone with a hint of acknowledgment, "hey" Mara replied. "What're you doing here?" Shawn asked, "hm just wanted to hang out" Camilla replied sitting down on the chair in the corner, Shawn began striking some cords for a little while unti, the show was over. Maras comlink beeped and she walked away returning five minutes later saying "I'll be back in three days take care", It was maybe seven and so Shawn and Camilla walked in the park, "hey I got an idea for a song" Camilla said, Shawn replied " ok how's it go?" Camilla went "he knows dirty secrets that I keep-" Shawn stopped her as he sensed something "what what is it?" Camilla asked worryingly.

"I'm not sure" Shawn responded looking around seeing someone or something dart behind a tree, "let's go" he said still looking at the tree. Then he heard a familiar voice "hahahaha stupid boy! I thought you were smart!", "Ventress" he said. "Who's Ventress?" Camilla asked shakily, "an assassin or something it's hard to explain let's go" bug was more curious how Ventress had found him so he took his comlink out asking " captain have any enemy ships entered the system?" Needa replied "our scanners picked up one ship" Shawn sighed in frustration and said " if anymore show up destroy em". Then Camilla gasped and Shawn saw Ventress was standing about twenty feet away with a smirk "well well what do we have here?" Ventress said, Shawn pointed threateningly "stay back!". "That girl is worth a lot to my friend Maul now step aside" Ventress retorted and she ignited her lightsabers.

Shawn glared at Ventress and reached for his own blade igniting it, Ventress made a summoning and several dark called figures dropped out of the trees with weapons of all sorts one sporting a metal staff of some sort, Shawn remembered he had a small blaster so he pulled it out of his belt handing it to Camilla "what I don't know how to use this thing" she said looking at it. "Just point it and pull the trigger, Ventress charged and Shawn did the same blocking her attack while countering hearing the sound of the blaster firing, then Shawn kicked her back extending his arm unleashing lightning at her,

He looked back and the mysterious warrior with the staff deflected the last bolt before thrusting his hand at Camilla making  her arm fell as she was held in place by The Force. Blocking another attack this time he was able to get in more close before she kicked him hard in the stomach and he groaned but brushed it off, then Shawn used the force and pushed the warrior who was holding Camilla in place but two more came in. Camilla ducked back pushing her hands out sending the two attackers flying back a good ten feet, Before he could say anything Shawn was pushed back himself tumbling and stopping just in front of Camilla. "These warriors are nothing you've never faced before" Ventress said walking closer, "what are they Dark Jedi?" Shawn asked ,Ventress replied "no they're something else now surrender you're alone and outnumbered" raising one of her lightsabers,

Shawn sensed two familiar presences behind the trees and said "I'm not alone" then looked and saw Mara and Maarek walk from behind the tree igniting their lightsabers "you need some help here?" Maarek said, Mara said "you should've stayed on Ilum" before they engaged the Warriors, Shawn again engaged Ventress blocking and attacking with a few force pushes mixed in. "I've perfected much since we last met allow me to show you" Ventress said connecting her two sabers and spinning the staff around before attacking again spinning it over her head and back, Shawn then kicked her staff apart before hitting one of her sabers out of her hands.

"Ugh" Ventress angrily groaned summoning her other saber back igniting it before charging scrapping both against the ground jumping one attack after another which Shawn blocked just as quickly, then Ventress force pushed him and Shawn flew back into a tree with the air being knocked of his lungs. Then Ventress got closer and he raised his lightsaber but a flick of her fingers it went flying another way "prepare to join with the Force" she said raising one of her blades, suddenly she shot a glance at her left and right before holding up one of her sabers as Maarek was blasting lightning at her.

Summoning his lightsaber back Shawn engaged one of the Warriors getting closer to Camilla, the warrior backflipped over him swiping at him with a axe that his lightsaber couldn't cut. Then Shawn turned to Camilla saying "go! Get help", then be ran over where Mara and Maarek had Ventress's lightsabers locked, charging in Shawn raised his own but suddenly Ventress disengaged and he cut the ground instead. The familiar sounds of police sirens rang out loudly which made Ventress look around angered "I suppose you expect me to surrender" she said, then the police ran in from behind guns drawn lights aimed at Ventress "actually we'll just let them kill you" Mara said.

"Not this time" Ventress said raising her hands and Shawn blocked the force attack but slid slightly, the police however went flying back slightly and the mysterious warriors followed Ventress into the nearby forest. "Should we go after em?" Maarek asked, Shawn responded "no but they'll be back"

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