A Glimpse Of Malgus's Attack, Surprise Attack

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Shawn woke up or he thought he did in the same spot in the temple but there was something off "no you shall witness the powers the Sith posses" Malgus said and Shawn turned around and he saw Malgus walking with a blue skinned Twilek next to him and several Jedi approached. Suddenly a ship came crashing through the entrance of the temple taking seven pillars with it before stopping behind Malgus, The door to the shuttle opened and a red lightsaber ignited, a single Sith stepped forward while about thirty other blades were ignited as well "finally we have returned" Malgus said and the Sith charged and were met by the Jedi.

The two sides clashed and clashed with Malgus cutting down one before pointing another direction for the Twilek who ran off, soon one Jedi wielding a green blade stood out, Malgus cut down one Jedi before locking blades with this Jedi before exchanging parries and counters before he kicked the Jedi back. The Jedi then cut down two of the Sith Warriors before Malgus threw his lightsaber at him, the Jedi jumped over the blade but Malgus force pushed him back and he went crashing through a slab of fallen wall.

Malgus called his saber yelling as he he came crashing down and engaged the Jedi again exchanging blocks counters until the Jedi hit Malgus in the face, Malgus ducked and swiftly stabbed the Jedi in the stomach. "You were deceived and now your Republic shall fall"  he said then pulled the blade out of the Jedi and retracted it,

Then Shawn woke up and noticed the sun had begun setting casting an orange reddish glow over the hall, he sensed a presence was close along with that distinct breathing sound. "What did you see?" Vader asked, Shawn stood up and replied "two attacks on the Jedi temple one there were clone troopers and this dark Jedi or something with a blue lightsaber cutting down several Jedi" as soon as he said that he sensed a feeling of guilt emanate from Vader and Vader asked "what was the other?" Shawn replied "an older one it was Darth Malgus leading an attack on the temple. Vader said "come the emperor will be most interested in hearing this" and walked away with Shawn following,

As they went through the halls Shawn sensed something was off and Vader stopped "what is it Lord Vader?" Shawn said in his pretend curious tone, Vader replied "I sense danger is close" suddenly Shawn looked up and Maul landed in front of him and force pushed him back. Vader ignited his lightsaber and locked blades with Maul "you must be the infamous Darth Vader" Shawn stood up and ignited his blade and attacked, Maul ignited his other blade and attacked both of them, "and you must be the infamous Darth Maul only not Darth as the title of Sith Lord now belongs to me" Vader said.

Shawn was pushed back and Maul held him in a force choke, he coughed and gagged his hand at his neck "hmm perhaps after I defeat you two I'll play Sidious a little visit" Maul said. Shawn raised his other hand to use force lightning but Maul threw him back down the hall and he tumbled before stopping at the feet of Grievous, "Hello there little one" Grievous said igniting two lightsabers. Shawn ignited his own blade and utilized the combat forms Niman and Ataru with a little Soresu simultaneously, Grievous then hit twice before throwing the blue blade in air and caught it in his foot. Shawn backflipped as Grievous swirled his whole body in a tornado pattern one sweeping the ground the other in air,  Grievous charged and Shawn blasted him with force lightning,

Grievous roared then fell and Shawn charged him. Suddenly two more arms detached from Grievous's arms and ignited two more lightsabers, then Maul came flying back and landed next to Grievous, Vader walked up next to Shawn his breathing sound now ha doubled in pace "surrender now both of you or be destroyed" Vader said pointing his lightsaber at Maul and Grievous. "Never!" Grievous then clicked a button on his wrist and twenty commando droids landed all around trapping Shawn and Vader in a circle.

" it seems that you should be the ones to surrender" Maul said, Vader turned to Shawn slightly and said "step back" Shawn stepped back three steps and turned around holding his blade with both hands in a defensive form. Then Vader unleashed a torrent of force energy that was like a giant bubble and the droids went flying along with Maul, but Grievous had clamped his feet into the floor and only slid a little bit.

Then Grievous roared and attacked Vader this time locking blades with him, Shawn saw Maul get up who charged at him. Shawn blasted Maul with force lightning but Maul brushed it off as it were nothing and still charged, he locked blades with Shawn and he struggled until Mauls strength but called on the force and began to equal his "the force won't save you boy" and Maul broke the lock and spun his saber which made Shawn's go off in another direction. He charged and Shawn ducked and dodged until he kicked Mauls saber out of his hand which flew another way "now I'm impressed" and Maul swung at him. Shawn caught his arm but received a kick to the stomach and Maul hooked his foot around Shawn's ankle and slammed him to the ground

"You're strong boy stronger than I thought" and reached back and called his lightsaber over, Shawn did the same and locked blades with Maul before managing to force push Maul back. Shawn panted and held his blade up again this time Grievous came flying past and crashed through several pillars which crumbled and stood up igniting his lightsabers, Then around fifty stormtroopers attacked engaging the two attackers. Maul and Grievous defected blasters bolts before crashing out a window and onto a ship "we shall meet again Darth Vader but your foolish master will face me next!" Maul yelled and the ship flew off.

Shawn and Vader retracted their blades, "Lord Vader shall we pursue?" One of the troopers said. Vader replied "track them but don't engage I must inform the emperor" and walked away with Shawn following,

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