Part 153

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The Kremlin, May 13th,2016
Riosovsky was looking over troop reports while walking in the gardens, Pavel threw a ball for Sasha who barked chasing after it. <<why would the fascists from space want him? Perhaps the answer has been extracted by now>> he thought. Then his chief of staff approached,<<Mr President there's urgent news from Kara Base, a Captain Davidov is on the line for you>>", Riosovsky thought it was good news, "<<very well>> he replied in a calm tone walking back inside to his office picking up the phone, "<<yes?" He asked, "<<Mr President this is Captain Davidov, we've uh, lost the target>>" Davidov replied. Anger and frustration flared in Riosovsky's mind making him clench his fist, "<<what do you mean lost?>>" he sternly asked, "<<the Imperials somehow penetrated our defenses and took him->>" Davidov started.

"<<no you let him escape Captain, why didn't you shoot the little bastard?!>> Riosovsky angrily asked, "<<he is a fierce fighter Mr President, unlike anything I've encountered the telekinesis like abilities are mind boggling>>" Davidov said. "<< you are a disgrace to the motherland Captain, you will deliver a message to the SBOR officer at base word for word>>" Riosovsky said, "<<of course sir>>" Davidov replied with fear in his tone. "<<tell him the President has given you an order to shoot me, and you will dig your own grave!>>" Riosovsky shouted slamming the phone down.

*****Washington D.C.
Johnson sat across from her visitor in the Oval Office, the Secretary of Defense Jim Mathews, "the Empire has advanced much quicker than we originally thought, the Alliance fleet will be broken within the hour ma'am" Mathews explained. "Should we take precautions against a ground invasion?" Johnson asked, "yes immediately, just give the word and we'll evacuate every city from Anchorage to Portland Maine" Mathews said, "frankly if they invaded us it'd be a huge mistake Madam President". "I agree they don't understand that a majority of us would rather die than live under that system they have" Johnson said, "we can't allow out children to become slaves without a fight, if they invade draw the fighting from the cites, the Midwest if they invaded St. Louis would be good defensive ground or even the Rockies" Johnson said, "are you suggesting we should reorganize the resistance groups to wage an insurgency behind their lines should this happen?" Mathews asked.

"Yes, they proved their worth before what's to say they wouldn't do it again" Johnson replied, "God willing they don't, it's bad enough that millions will die anyway, let's not lose innocents over nothing" Mathews said, "and to be honest ma'am, from what I've heard it's actually a lot of fun to fight to em, um some guys have said it's fun to shoot those people brings back some memories from Afghanistan or Iraq even". The words made Johnson's mind wander back to when her base in Afghanistan was attacked by the Taliban, "my opponents would think those remarks are cause for concern" Johnson said, "well they don't understand how dangerous an enemy like the Empire is, they've never lost their freedom and have lived under the umbrella guys like my own son provide and even die for" Mathews said.

"They'd argue he's a mindless murderer" Johnson replied, "hell no he's a mechanic never touched a gun since basic, besides if some of those folks are content with the Empire they should gladly watch their family get beaten up by those ISB thugs and then come whining to us to help they don't want our help well they can renounce their citizenship and live in North Korea" Mathews replied then the door opened and it was the head of Johnson's detail, "ma'am there's an emergency we have to get to the bunker" he said. Johnson and Mathews shoot up as two agents held her arms while they headed to the secret elevator, the civilian staff began to be escorted out too now only authorized personnel would be allowed in the White House.

Upon reaching the bunker all the officers inside stood up at attention, "at ease" Johnson said sitting in her seat as the other generals did the same. "Madam President we've received a message from the Imperial commander and have been given instructions to watch it" one of the generals said, a image popped up on the small holoprojector revealing a humanoid man with blue skin red eyes and bluish black hair along with a white version of an Imperial officers uniform.

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