Loyalties Tested The Inquisitors Identity

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Imperial Palace,
Shawn walked to the throne room but felt something was off, he saw the Grand Inquisitor hitting Camilla's lightsaber aside while holding her in a telekinetic grip taunting her "silly girl like to play with lightsabers you may not be able to fight like a Jedi but you can at least die like one" holding his blade over her shoulder. The doors opened and he walked in " Report" Palpatine said, "the Jedi escaped us my lord and Maul tried to seize him as well" Palpatine's expression was blank yet radiated anger, "you should know I don't tolerate failure for long Hand Mendes and while you've proven yourself a valuable asset to the Empire you've also proven to be one prone to be unable to achieve your objectives". Shawn replied "it won't happen again sir",

"The Inquisitor has brought the girl" a droid said. That made Shawn stop breathing for a second, "good I'd like to see how much she knows Hand Mendes oversee this" Shawn bowed slightly then said "as you wish" before walking away. He then found the cell and felt Camilla's presence behind the door, he opened it and walked in, the Grand Inquisitor was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed staring at Camilla who was shackled to a chair.

"wake her up" the Inquisitor said, Shawn walked over and shook her slight hand she opened her eyes, "Shawn?" She said weakly and he replied "hey wake up", "ugh where am I?" Shawn replied "the Imperial Palace the Inquisitor got to you" then the Inquisitor said "enough". Shawn stepped aside and Camilla stared at the Inquisitor angrily. "Why am I here?" She asked, the Inquisitor replied "you're my guest" Camilla still stared at him angrily, "you want to kill me I sense it" the Inquisitor said. "You'd feel the same if some coward behind a mask took you",The Inquisitor put his hands on the side of his mask pushing a button and the front piece detached and rose before he removed the mask fully and Shawn's jaw hit the floor it was Nash.

But he looked almost three shades paler a sign of embracing the dark side and his once pale blue eyes now were now a crimson red, " Nash?" Both Shawn and Camilla said. Nash's expression was one of confusion and he said "who the hell is Nash?", Shawn knew that either his memory was wiped or suppressed, "don't you remember me?" Shawn asked but Nash sharply replied "save it Hand Mendes or I'll have you arrested" Nash slowly walked closer to Camilla and said in a low tone "tell me about the Jedi". Camilla said "I don't know where they are they left" but Shawn knew she was lying, Nash held his hand up indicating he was probing Camilla's mind which caused her pain. "Stop it!" Shawn yelled stepping in front of Nash who lowered his hand, "move or die" Nash said sternly, "do that again you'll regret it" Shawn said raising his fist with lightning arching around it. " fine then" Nash responded.

Then he said "then tell the Emperor this", Nash said. "Fine I will" Shawn said storming out but stopped in his tracks both Palpatine and Vader were there outside and has been watching the whole time. "You're an interesting Shawn I'll say that" Palpatine said, "my lord please don't hurt her she'd prove to be unable to serve you" Shawn said getting closer, "it will be decided soon enough now if you are so set on seeing her safe then kneel and swear your loyalty to me". Shawn knew he had no choice and seeing Camilla become one of the Empires killing machines like Nash wouldn't be like her so he kneeled and said "I pledge myself to you and the Empire " he said with in authentic sounding tone.

"Rise" Palpatine said and Shawn stood up, "your next assignment is this accompany Lord Vader on a routine visit to the Royal Imperial Academy and ask Commandant Deenlark the progress of Project Harvester then report back" Shawn said " yes sir", Vader then went down one hall and Shawn followed still questioning his decision to have sworn loyalty to Palpatine but knew if he ever defected to the Rebellion he'd never be able to visit home as it'd be both too dangerous and there most likely wouldn't be a home to return to but only a barren landscape of ash.

Royal Imperial Academy,
Shawn followed Vader off of the shuttle where the commanding officer stood with over a hundred cadets at attention, "Lord Vader you grace us with your presence here" Deenlark said in a slightly surprised tone. "You may dispense with the pleasantries commandant the Emperor himself has an assignment for both myself and Hand Mendes" Vader said, "ah if it's-" Deenlark said before Vader cut him off " he does not suspect any Confederate or Rebel sympathy here but something else". "Very well follow me". Deenlark said,

Upon entering his office Deenlark said "I take it the Emperor wishes a report on Project Harvester?" Vader replied " yes have any cases arisen yet? Deenlark said "not that I'm aware of but if-" then the comlink on his desk beeped "excuse me yes" Deenlark said answering it, "cadet Ree is here sir" a voice said, " send her in" then released the button "apologies Lord Vader there's a debacle in involving possible sabotage of some kind" Vader said "a traitor perhaps?" Deenlark said "no most likely one of the other cadets but it is a small matter".

Vader said "then we'll wait and see if any show signs of "special abilities" before walking out, Shawn followed but as he turned the corner he bumped into someone "sorry" he said and saw it was Ciena who seemed tense and he sensed it too. "Oh hi there Shawn" she said before walking into Deenlarks office, Shawn looked down and Vader had stopped seemingly waiting for him, "now then since there isn't any evidence of Force sensitives I have a task for you as well Hand Mendes" Vader said "Yes sir what is it?" Shawn asked, Vader replied "head to Malastare there's reports of a resurgent group known as Death Watch that've set up a base on the planet head there and report their numbers". "Yes sir" Shawn said,

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