The Lost Ones

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(The first two drawings I did more will follow)
A:N (the Art Of War quote is directly from the book under offensive operations)
After the show the crowds cheered as Shawn and Leia walked off stage, "wow you did great" they both said at the same time and then laughed. "Well that was very nerve wrecking too" Leia said setting Shawn's guitar down in the case. Mara then ran over and said "wow you did great like in Nashville", "thanks" Shawn replied. Then Maarek came running from out've somewhere with a smug look "finally you and ms smoochie smooch get each other's numbers" Mara said rolling her eyes, Maarek said "well you know I tend to be very good with the ladies". Shawn laughed and asked Maarek "ok man what's her name?", "Alyssa and she's really hot" Maarek replied without looking up from his phone,

A girl walked down the street after a party after getting a text from her mom to come home. As she took a short route through the park she heard a sort of low lion like growl coming from the trees, she stopped and looked around but didn't see anything. She quickened her pace and started hearing heavy footsteps from behind, she turned around a panicked look on her face and saw nothing. "Hello?" She called out but no one answered, she backed up  before running into something. Then she looked up and saw a humanoid face with pointy ears and glowing red eyes, she tried to move but felt like her feet and jaw were being held in place. "You smell of the Force and I hunger" and the figure placed his hand on her face and she gasped turning pale before falling limp on the ground dead, the vampire caught the scent once more but there were two others accompanying it so he dashed off in its direction.

"Lord Maul we've devised a plan to possibly strike at this Earth" one general said, Maul looked back from the window "what is its nature?" He asked, "well it calls for us to abduct the Prime Minister of the northern nation state called uh Canada by sending a fleet to their capital and hold him hostage like we tried with that President but failed to and demand they surrender to us or be destroyed" another general said, "hmm this could work to our advantage but how'll we get past the Imperial fleet near the terraformed planet?". "We could draw up plans to rebuild the Malevolence", Maul gave the idea some thought but decided it'd be too much of a risk with a ship like the Malevolence to be rebuilt as the money and resources required would be too much of a gamble, "no but I'll give the normal plan some thought thank you for your time gentlemen". Maul said,

Shawn got a troubled feeling but couldn't make sense of it. "Hey you ok" Leia said sitting down next to hi , "yeah just got a funny feeling of some kind". Then she said "well it happens with all that's going on out there" looking up at the stars, "we're still hoping for some kind of victory and not a stalemate but looks like with the coordinate you told Starkiller that might happen soon". Then she  put two books in his lap,

Shawn saw the title "Infantry Attacks by Erwin Rommel" on one and "Art Of War by Sun Tzu","what's this?" He asked. "Something to help Alliance High Command I've been reading them those two were quite the tacticians" Leia said, Shawn skimmed through the pages of the first one a little and saw words like "use speed,surprise and deception to your advantage" the second said

"in general, if your strength is ten times theirs, surround them; if five, then attack them; if double, then divide your forces. If you are equal in strength to the enemy, you can engage him, if fewer you can circumvent him, if outmatched you can avoid him. Thus a small enemy acts as inflexibly will become the captives of a large enemy".

Then he handed it back, "we'll utilize it when we need to" Leia standing up and Shawn did the same, "don't let Mara or Maarek catch you with those they'd think somethings up". "Don't worry I'll say they're for researching your planets history" then Threepio approached and said "pardon me your highness but we must leave in order to get to Stockholm on time" Leia said "very well then take care Shawn" Shawn replied "you too". Then he went back over where Mara and Maarek sat and said "hey'd you-" then felt it again, "what was that?" Maarek said standing up. Shawn looked around and felt a malevolent presence was getting closer,

"You smell of the Force and I hunger!" A deep scratchy voice sounded from what sounded like all around. Shawn,Mara and Maarek ignited their lightsabers and looked around, Shawn said "I'm not be much good with just one arm you know" Mara said "then make good use of it", Maarek clicked his comlink before spinning his blade. "Signaling our location Lord Vader will be here in a little bit" he said. Suddenly a figure charged out of the shadow, "duck!" Shawn yelled but was hit hard in the chest and went tumbling back. Then Mara and Maarek landed next to him but on their feet, Shawn stood up and saw a tall pale decrepit figure standing in the middle of the park. "Hahaha" the creature said with a slight hiss, "is this the scent three children with lightsabers" it said, "it'll make good sport" then charged,

Mara and Maarek stepped forward thrusting their hands out. The creature tumbled back before charging again, then a light shined on it as Vader's TIE slowly descended, Vader stood on the roof his lightsaber ignited before leaping off landing just in front of them. "I suggest you either surrender or be destroyed" Vader said holding his saber in a defensive posture, "never to you Sith!" The creature yelled as it leaped. Vader using the Force pulled the creature in before stabbing it through the heart killing it instantly, "

"Foolish creature" Vader said retracting his blade, Shawn and the others did the same. "Consider this a generous deed all three of you it might be as easy the next time"Vader said turning around facing them, "Uh next time sir?" Shawn asked. "When you in particular are fit to fight you will accompany me to Malachor there is something the Emperor is most interested in" Vader said, "what about us Lord Vader?" Mara asked. "The Emperor will tell you himself",

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now