Part 164

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Bay Of Dragons-Narrow Sea border regions, May 23d, 2016
Shawn stood on the lead ship along with Tyrion, Lord Varys, Missandei and Daenerys as the massive fleet set sail. Her army numbered 108,000 compared to the Lannister's 30,000 and the Iron Fleet under Euron, it had grown in size after Daenerys was captured by the people of her husband, the Dothraki, a nomadic warrior people who favored the horse and curved swords as opposed to armor and long swords. Before this they'd been separate groups of one tribe, led by Khals, but after Daenerys was bright back to their one city Vaes Dothrak she burned all the Khals alive and emerged unharmed from the flames. Now she was was the sole leader of an entire people who'd never once left Essos.

The wind blew on his face as Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion all flew overhead past the fleet, "Shawn" Daenerys spoke up and he stepped forward, " yes?-Sorry- yes Your Grace?" Shawn replied then remembered the royal courtesies, "when we reach Dragonstone, you will head to Kings Landing instead of Dorne after I've held court, then report back on what you've seen" Daenerys said. "Of course" Shawn said, as of now Tommen was dead, so was Margery, Loras, Ser Kevan and the High Sparrow, they'd all been killed in the Sept by Cersei who set off old barrels of wildfire underground destroying the structure and killing everyone there. Tommen had thrown himself out the window of his chambers shortly afterward in shock from losing his beloved wife, Cersei was subsequently crowned Queen and now sat on the Iron Throne.

Lady Olenna now commanded House Tyrell as they searched for an heir to lead the family, the Sand Snakes who had murdered Princess Myrcella and Prince Doran Martell now ruled Dorne, Ellaria Sand was the most prominent of them. The Sand Snakes were all the illegitimate daughters of Oberyn Martell with only four being born to Ellaria. "Don't worry young man, there's worse that could happen" Tyrion said to Shawn as the fleet continued its voyage to the west. Shawn looked to the left and right at the fleet, it had to be the largest on all the seas, and could sense what it would do.

---------, May 25th, 2016
After five days or so the Fleet reached Dragonstone the ancestral home of Daenerys's family. The castle was massive even from s distance with it's pointed designs and dragon statues. "Come, let us see what remains" Tyrion said sporting the silver colored badge for his new rank, Hand Of The Queen, he and Missandei now wore the Targaryen color of black, Shawn felt like he blended in due to his uniform being of the same color except the navy blue t shirt he wore underneath.The Dothraki got to the island first to clear it of any potential unwanted guests, Shawn was in the same rowboat with everyone else as they slowly approached the island. Shawn looked at the foreboding castle and wondered who had built it, and who lived there now.

It had served as the island where Aegon I launched his invasion of Westeros with his sister wives along with his dragon Balerion The Dread, after the establishment of his dynasty it remained as the Targaryen seat of power besides the capital until Roberts Rebellion where Daenerys was born then sent away with her brother Viserys to Essos while the new King Robert seized the island and gave it to his older brother Stannis Baratheon.

Stannis would remain Lord of Dragonstone until the death of his brother, Joffrey was only Roberts son in name but was biological the son of Cersei and her twin brother Jamie along his siblings, Stannis had been told this by Lord Eddard Stark the Hand Of The King and laid claim to the Iron Throne from Dragonstone. He built up his forces to attack Kings Landing but was badly defeated before he sailed north to take Winterfell from the Boltons and failed ending his claim and life leaving the island without a ruler anymore.

The rowboat hit the shore and Shawn jumped out looking around as he walked forward, Daenerys got out as well staring at the ground walking forward then kneeling and placing her hand on the sand. "Your Grace, shall we see what lies in the castle?" Tyrion asked Daenerys who stood up, "yes, get as many ashore as you can" then they walked toward the castle. Shawn stayed with them as they ascended the stony stairs passing one of the large dragon statues, Drogon screeched overhead as he flew by his shadow blocking out the sun for half a second. Soon they reached the large wooden gate and the Unsullied opened the doors revealing the castle inside up the hill and the three headed dragon carved in the stone near the top.

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