The World Sees The Battle

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Shawn was put in temporary command of around a hundred star destroyers that he'd asked be spared to defend Earth and while the Imperial Navy was over one million ships it still presented a slight strain. From the bridge of the Avenger now his flagship he said "set course for Earth" and the fleet began its journey through hyperspace, Shawn felt overwhelmed by this being the highest authority to turn to at the present moment and especially in command of that many ships. To sway this he turned to the force and it calmed him slightly, but as he shut his eyes for a second he saw a massive battle over Earth with a droid ship colliding with a star destroyer.

After four hours galactic time the fleet arrived at Earth and Shawn saw his home world for the first time in over four and a half weeks and the thought of having missed Christmas was saddening yet he sensed it had only been five days earth time and it was the 19th. Admiral Fied said "we've arrived at Earth what shall we do" Shawn replied "uh move us above the planet into defensive formation I'll have to do some explaining to over seven billion people as to what they're seeing".

As the fleet was stationed five hundred miles above the upper atmosphere Shawn went down to the hanger and said "hold your position and contact me if anything happens" Fied said "yes Hand Mendes". Shawn got in the Strings and flew down towards the Air Force base outside Toronto and it was around one in the morning there he was greeted by the captain who didn't seem pleased,

"You're gonna have to tell the world why this fleet of warships is here" he said and Shawn said "yes sir the Empire wishes to guard against any enemy that approaches the planet" then another man next to him said "you mean the enemies of the Empire not ours" the captain said "this is mr Smith from the US embassy and his government and the world have their concerns about the prescene of that fleet" he said pointing at the sky and the star destroyers could be just barely seen without a telescope.

Shawn said "the Empire has no plans to invade,annex,or attack the world only to guard against attack if you have doubts or concerns I could open a line of communication for you". Then he walked away to his car and got in and drove away, he stopped in his driveway and got out and sensed everyone else was asleep so he sneakily unlocked the door and walked in, He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note he'd come home around one

Shawn walked as quiet as a ghost to his room and set his lightsaber on his desk and pretty much crashed. In his dream he saw green and red laser bolts crossing the sky above Earth with a strange admiral on the droid command ship who looked like a tarantula almost and had three robotic arms and eye directing the cruisers with swift skill and one star destroyer that was on fire began plummeting towards the ground with many areas that had blown off but laser fire. Then it showed Ventress and a red skinned Zabrak standing next to her with a double bladed lightsaber on his belt and they grinned at the battle in front of them.

Then he was in battle on some planet that looked like Alderaan but until he saw the I-95 sign Shawn realized he was on Earth and there were ten AT-AT walkers approaching and firing. Then he saw Vader restrained to something and Palpatine next to him and he said "lord Vader can you hear me?" Vader replied "yes master...where is Padmé is she safe is she alright?" Palpatine replied "it seems in your anger you killed her" Vader said "I-i couldn't have she was alive I felt it!".

Next it showed a massive space station under construction somewhere and it had spherical shape but there were thousands of Wookies in chains building it and were whipped every few seconds by imperial guards. Shawn was woken up by someone and it was his mom "hey you're back" she said, he sat up and said "well it was four weeks up there and a war has kinda started"

She had a puzzled look and said "war? How'd it start?" Shawn said "I don't know but I brought some protection back with me" and got up and she followed him outside and he pointed up at the sky and her expression was both awe yet fearful, and she said "is it really that risky it might come here" Shawn replied "yeah there's a risk but it's more of a shield". Then she said "what's wrong with your eye?" Shawn said "uhh I don't know" trying not to raise concerns that a Sith spirit had latched onto him.

The rest of the week went by quickly with more interviews and they all raised concerns that the presence of the Empire would draw the Confederacy to them but that wasn't their main subject which was better as it was about the music and what to expect when Handwritten came out also that he wanted to be known for his music and not as "that kid who found some intergalactic civilization and can move stuff with his mind".But Admiral Trench was heading for Earth

Christmas Eve,

Shawn was outside looking up at the fleet when he suddenly saw a hundred droid cruisers exit hyperspace and the two sides began firing ,oh shit, he thought and his holoprojecter beeped and he answered it "sir enemy fleet has left hyperspace" Fida said and Shawn said "hold your position and launch fighters I'll be right there" and ran upstairs and put on his imperial uniform and grabbed his lightsaber. He ran downstairs and told his parents a battle was taking place above them and he'd be back as soon as it ended

Millions walked outside and saw the massive battle in space and videos soon were posted on YouTube and circulated quickly. Shawn flew through the crossfire as ships on both sides engaged each other at close range until he landed in the hanger of the Avenger and Fida ran out "we're keeping them at bay but they evaded our scanners and caught us by surprise" Shawn said "press the attack" Fida said "yes Hand Mendes" and Shawn went up to the bridge and saw the battle. Then there was one Providence class ship that was identified to be the command ship, quickly he contacted Vader "lord Vader the enemy was ambushed the fleet over Earth we need reinforcements" Vader replied "I will send an additional thirty star destroyers until then hold out as long as you can" then it cut. Shawn saw a explosion tear a droid cruiser in half and it collided with a star destroyer and they both were destroyed. He held his hand up as it was very bright

Meanwhile in a pre planned operation to force the Empire to leave the leadership planned to kidnap President Walker as leverage . Ventress and several commando droids flew down to the White House in a small craft, she walked off and several secret service agents yelled "you freeze!" And the commando droids jumped off and fired and killed the agents before they pushed their way in made their way toward the Oval Office, after setting up a perimeter Ventress kicked the door in and walked in "well well if it isn't the one I'm looking for" Walker replied "I don't know who you are but if you kill me the United States will unleash its might upon you" Ventress laughed and held her hand up and choked him

"You're coming with me mr president" and let him go and two droids held him by his arms and dragged him out to the shuttle and flew back up to the command ship with the captive leader.

The battle had gone on for two hours and had passed over the west coast of the US and Canada and now could be seen by over three billion people in Asia. Shawn looked out the bridge as the laser bolts crisscrossed the sky and now many ships on both sides had taken heavy losses "Hand Mendes the enemy is hailing us!" Fida yelled and Shawn walked over to the holoprojecter and the message showed up and it was the spider thing he'd seen " I am Admiral Trench and I have a message for the commander of the fleet" and then president Obama was pushed into the image and Shawn froze and Trench said "the leader of one of your governments is in my custody *click click click* and you'll withdraw from the system or he dies".

The message stopped and Fida asked "who was that with him?" Shawn replied "that's the president of the United States the most powerful nation on Earth" Fida said "it seems they're using him as leverage to get us to leave" Shawn thought what to do now and didn't have any way to contact anyone on Earth and said "I'll rescue him have the reinforcements arrived?" Then the thirty star destroyers came out of hyperspace and engaged the enemy fleet. "Hand Jade has accompanied them shall we send for her?" Shawn said "yes tell her to get to her ship and get to the enemy command ship I'll meet her on the way". Then he went down to the hanger and got in the Strings and flew out into the battle.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now