Catch The Jedi

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Shawn stepped off the shuttle following Jerec in the palace where the princess waited. Upon walking in Shawn was entranced by the princess's beauty, "I wasn't expecting Imperials not without an invitation" she said, "oh but we were invited by your Prime Minister your highness he's become concerned over how attached you've become to Bridger" the Princess rose saying "the Jedi is symbol of our power over outsiders who'd seek to drag us into war". Jerec replied "your so called power over him is an illusion I'll tell you this I was once a Jedi myself they're not so easily swayed",

That surprised Shawn slightly that Jerec had once been a Jedi. "Very well then if this Jedi is so important to the Empire then by all means take him" the Princess said making a shoo gesture, a droid approached saying "this way please", Jerec said to Shawn "you get the Jedi I'll report to Lord Vader". Shawn followed the droid to where Ezra was being held then the droid opened the door where Ezra was sitting looking up at the small window, "How'd you end up here?" Shawn asked. "It's a long story a Confederate ship ambushed us then these people captured me".

"Leave us" Shawn said to the droid who closed the door, "I'm not gonna turn you over to the Empire if that happens the Emperor would kill you" Ezra threw his arms up saying in a sarcastic tone "oh I'm so scared of the Emperor what's he gonna do lecture me to death" Shawn knew that very few knew Palpatine was a Force user so he said "he's a Sith Lord he'd kill you without mercy" Ezra said "wait he's a Sith Lord?" Shawn replied "yes now how're you gonna get out of here?",Ezra said "uh well I'm gonna need my lightsaber back. Then Shawn's comlink beeped "yes captain what is it?" Needa replied "a Confederate fleet has just exited hyperspace they've sent out a landing party!". Shawn said "hold them back" then knocked on the door and the droid opened it, "wait here" he said running back to the throne room,

He ran in " Inquisitor a Confederate shuttle has landed what do we do?" Shawn asked in a frantic tone. "Let's see who's here" then the princess said "guards bring in whoever it is but do not attack them", a couple minutes later the doors opened and two Magnaguards walked in. Maul stepped in, "greetings your highness" Maul said to the princess. "Ah Lord Maul what can I do for you?" The princess asked, "see this Imperial scum out and release the Jedi into my custody" Jerec ignited his lightsaber and Shawn did the same "I'm afraid the Jedi is now in the custody of the Galactic Empire", Maul said "we'll see about that" reaching for his own saberstaff.

"If you're going to fight take to outside!" The princess yelled, then the sound of Mauls holopad beeping sounded loudly and he answered it "what is it commander?" The droid replied "uh sir the Jedi's escaped and oh my god!" Then Ezra has cut through the droid ending the transmission. "Take them!" Maul said ego the Magnaguards running out of the throne room. Shawn held his saber in a defensive posture blocking the attack of the first Magnaguard until he managed to cut it in half sending the top section into the other. " After him!" Jerec yelled and they went after Maul, then they turned a corner where Maul was spinning his saberstaff around locking blades with Ezra. Shawn went in with his blade raised but Maul raised his hand at him and he went flying back,

Quickly regaining his stance Shawn went back in and Jerec was blocking Mauls attacks then countering with lightning fast speed. Then Maul held his hand at Ezra who started coughing and gagging, Jerec then kicked Maul across the face then Force pushed him back before he dashed over at Ezra who jumped over his blade and crashed out the window. Shawn then was about to pursue him when just as he got the window a Magnaguard jumped up kicking him back, the air was knocked from his lungs but he still fought,

Maul then locked blades with him and Shawn struggled with Mauls sheer strength, "you're strong boy stronger than the Jedi but that won't help you" drawing on the Force Shawn was able to push Maul away then attacked using the form Ataru attacking high and low before Maul said "Sidious taught you well". Then he raised his hand blasting lightning at Maul who seemed to catch it and sent it flying back hitting him, after dodging the lightning Maul said "but he didn't teach you everything" then threw his saberstaff at Shawn faster than a bullet. Shawn ducked but the blade cut the top of his shoulder and he yelled out in pain but drew on the Force more and was able to resist the pain. Then after Maul caught his saberstaff he turned and ran away, Shawn chased after him to the landing platform where Maul stood on the ramp of the shuttle "well done Imperial scum but next time it won't end until your death!" Then the ramp closed and the shuttle flew off,

Shawn retracted his blade then saw another ship farther off take off and fly away in another direction and he knew Ezra had gotten away. Jerec ran next to him "the Emperor will not be pleased".

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now