The Battle For Earth-Part 138

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Shawn regained consciousness and woke up with shackles on his wrists. Looking around he saw he was in a cell of some sort with smooth white walls that shook from explosions, "it's ok" a feminine voice said making him jump a little then relax realizing it was just Ahsoka "where am I?" Shawn asked "on a rebel ship sorry about this we didn't have a choice you'll be home soon" Ahsoka reassured. "What's going on?" Shawn asked sitting upright a little more though the side of his head throbbed from Zeb hitting him, "we well the Alliance and the governments of Earth have launched an attack on the Imperials in this system at the request of President Johnson" Ahsoka explained "luckily we've had success so far". "How's Ezra?" Shawn asked "he'll be fine, hopefully" Ahsoka said her tone falling as she spoke. "I dealt with those gunshots don't worry" she assured him.

Mauls fleet had engaged a portion of the Seventh Fleet in the asteroid belt beyond Saturn and now headed for Earth while being pursued. Maul sat in the captains chair enmeshed in the Force sensing danger was not far away until the fleet exited hyperspace "sir there's a rebel fleet!" A droid said "engage the fleet and launch fighters" Admiral Trench said stepping forward his mandibles clicking. Red lasers streaked across the line as the Separatist and Alliance ships exchanged cannon fire while fighters zipped around. Maul didn't see the Imperial fleet but any under Thrawn's command rarely was far off

-------- City Hall,
Vader returned to the city hall as the garrison was being overwhelmed. Officers parted in his path as he made haste to Kaine's office with the Fourth Brother "Lord Vader where is Mendes?" Kaine asked looking back from the window "gone, captured by the Rebels" Vader replied stepping forward holding his belt the hilt of his saber hung from it gleaming in the light. Kaine turned back to the window "how could they've devised this under our noses, the Denver and Shanghai cities have fallen, Lyon,Munich,St Petersburg too the Los Angeles commander wishes to surrender the San Francisco commander has shot himself and the garrison is withdrawing under a truce" Kaine gritted, "we will do the same" Vader said ,"what? We will stand and fight!" Kaine said thrusting his finger at the floor.

"It is futile to waste our men on a pitiful city like this, give the order Governor I hope to see you onboard the Chimera when Grand Admiral Thrawn and Moff Panaka arrive" Vader said turning and heading away "and where are you going now?" Kaine inquired "our shuttle, if you're not fast enough my shuttle" Vader said heading down the hall.

Out of nowhere the Seventh Fleet exited hyperspace engaging the rebel and Separatist ships adding green lasers to the battle while thousands of TIE's screamed out of the hangers firing at Vulture droids and X-Wings. Thrawn watched this all on the bridge with Panaka by his side who'd been on a inspection of the Mars base until the attack happened "such a waste indeed" Thrawn said putting his hand to his chin "now that we've been betrayed protocol Alpha Base Zero will have to be taken into consideration" he continued. "That should be considered indeed, but if the Senate got word of a planet being turned to glass more systems would flock to the Rebellion" Panaka objected "not if there are no non loyal witnesses" Thrawn said as a computer beeped "sirs,Lord Vader and Governor Kaine have arrived onboard they'll be here any moment"an officer called out. "And our leadership has been driven off it seems" Thrawn said.
The doors slid open as Vader and Kaine stepped onto the bridge "I'm relieved to see you got here safely" Thrawn said but Vader stepped past heading to one of the windows by the side. He reached out out with the Force and felt Shawn's presence among the hundreds of rebel ships "Did your men activate Mendes's tracker Grand Admiral?" Vader asked "yes my lord" Thrawn replied "good prepare a boarding party and set your weapons for kill" Vader said heading away from the window off the bridge.

Johnson watched the reports warily but was relived Denver had been retaken along with Los Angeles and San Francisco leaving Seattle as the sole city in the United States under Imperial control still. The garrison in Toronto had brokered a truce with the joint attack force as they threw everything into their ships heading to the fleet. "Madam President Admiral Ackbar of the Alliance is contacting us" an aide said "put him through" Johnson said hoping more good news was on the way. The screen showed a amphibious humanoid with a large head bronze skin and large eyes, "Madam President" he said in a Irish like accent "yes what is it Admiral?" Johnson asked. "I'm afraid due to unexpected circumstances we had to take the boy with us, from what I've heard this Lord Vader made an effort to personally recapture him from us" Ackbar explained as the fleets fired back in forth behind him.

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