Quick Escape Captured

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Shawn heard the strangest sounds he'd heard they sounded like clashing whistles and whines and then they stopped. Austin said "oh my god" and Shawn saw the Fifth Brother had Camilla in a force choke and she was levitating in the air with her hands at her throat, "surrender now or she dies" Shawn said "let her go!" Angrily and then the head tailed one landed in front of him and said "stay back" then the Inquistor released Camilla and she ran over to them coughing and she said "what's going on who are these people?!" Holding Shawn's arm but then the Fifth Brother said "you shall die foolish Jedi we will take him regardless of your petty resistance" then she held her hands out and two medium sized metal rods at her sides flew up into her hands and white blades shot out.

Camilla said "go to the parking lot my cars there" and they ran off as the sounds of those energy blades clashing echoed with brighter flashes of light when the blades contacted. They made it to the car and Austin said "give me the keys I'll drive" and she threw the keys and they got in and began driving off. Suddenly the car stopped as they suddenly stopped now and Shawn said "did you step on the brakes?" Austin said "no it stopped" Shawn felt the wheels grinding on the ground and looked back and the Inquistors had their hands out and had them locked in place.

Then Kanan swooped in with Ashoka and the Inquisitors released them and they sped off away. Then something crossed Shawn's mind, where's Mary? She just disappeared, and he said "wait the girl could she?" Camilla said "what girl?" Shawn replied "there was this red haired girl named Mary she was with me when those things attacked and there was something off about her" Austin said "what do you mean?" Shawn replied "those ones with the red blades I feel them nearby they make the air feel cold and she had that in a way but it felt different" Camilla asked "ok Shawn how long have you known this?" Shawn replied "well since last May I've been able to move things only a little without touching them and I made a pencil fly across the room in class in June and a bottle right before the power went out".

Austin said "I saw it myself couldn't believe it" Camilla said "where are we going now?" Austin said "back to the hotel where are the others anyway?" Camilla replied "They ran off and said they'd go back to the hotel" Austin said "alright let's go there".

Super Star Destroyer Executor
Darth Vader was staring out the window at the planet as the fleet had been cloaked from any detection when Admiral Piet said "Lord Vader the Inquistors have reported to have engaged the Lothal rebels including the two Jedi" Vader asked  "did they get within reach of the boy?" Piet replied "yes but one of them a togruta fought off them before the human Jedi engaged them" Vader knew it was Ashoka and said "are the rebels with them?" Piet said "no from our scans the target left before either we and the rebels could get close enough" Vader said "did Jade get close?" Piet replied "she hasn't checked in yet". Vader turned away and said "tell her that I'm coming myself if she fails again she'll regret it".

At the hotel they'd arrived and the other girls from Fifth Harmony ran out and said "oh my god you guys are ok what were those things" Shawn said "no idea" and they walked in. In the elevator Shawn felt something off a great darkness and evil was coming closer and knew it must be something more powerful than what ever those things that had attacked them. As the door opened he said "I'm pretty tired I'm gonna turn in for the night" and walked to his room.

As he walked in the atmosphere felt off but he was so tired from traveling for almost a month and just crashed. Meanwhile Vader's shuttle landed next to Maras ship and she and the Inquisitors kneeled as Vader exited the shuttle and stormtroopers stood in two lines flanking him. "My lord we located the boy but the two Jedi from Lothal drove us off" Jade said and Vader said "indeed but since you all can't handle two Jedi and an unarmed helpless boy then I will assist you" they all said in unison "yes Lord Vader" and they stood up. As they stepped through to the edge of the woods Vader said "Jade I sense you've gained his trust so lure him here and we'll strike" she replied "yes my lord".

Shawn was haunted by visions of the Seventh Sister holding her energy sword thing at his throat and the Fifth Brother stabbing Camilla and then the sound of a maniac laughing and a evil sounding voice  "we have found you". He snapped awake and sweat had collected on his forehead and his breathing fast and almost panicked. He looked around and saw no one, but what he didn't know was Mara had climbed outside the window and waved her hand to perform a mind trick "you will exit the building" she said and Shawn felt as if something was almost controlling him but resisted it and felt the chill in the air and looked at the window, Jade frustrated knew his mind was too strong for a mind trick to work effectively.

She jumped down the nearly ten stories to the alley below and using the Force braced her fall. Shawn however felt the chill leave the area then went back to sleep. The next morning as they went to the bus Shawn heard "psst" coming from the bush and walked over and knew someone was in there, then the one with the tails on her head said "sorry I didn't get to introduce myself yesterday my name is Ashoka Tano" Shawn said "my names Shawn nice to meet you" then he said "who were those people that were after us last night?" Ashoka replied "they're called Inquisitors and they're here for you" Shawn was confused and said "why me?" Ashoka replied "because of your gift that allows you to move stuff".

Shawn said "can we like call the police or something?" Ashoka said "no they have a fleet of massive space vessels just behind the moon and plus the Inquisitors would massacre your people as your technology while its advanced by your standards is quite primitive to ours" then Shawn asked "what were  those laser sword things they had?" Ashoka replied "they are call lightsabers and can slice through anything" and she held up one her lightsabers and said "I'm sure you have more questions but they'll have to wait now go we will follow" and then she ran off.

Shawn got on and Ally said  "oh my god you guys what happened last night?" Shawn said "well the alien lady was just here" Austin said "which one?" Shawn replied "the one with those tail things on her head her names Ashoka" Austin said "who were those things after us last night?" Shawn then told them who the Inquisitors were and that their blades are called lightsabers, Camilla said "are they guarding us?" Shawn replied "I guess so".

As they drove through the woods on the highway on the coast and Shawn felt the chill in the air and said "they're close" Austin asked "how do you know? Shawn replied "I can feel they're close its like a cold breeze almost" and looked out the window and saw a weird bike thing next to them but it didn't have wheels and was hovering and was at the same speed as them. The dark figure looked up and Shawn was looking at the Seventh Sister. The Inquisitor ignited her lightsaber and cut the wheels, the bus lurched to the side and the driver pulled over to the side of the road.

They were the only ones on the road and cell reception was out. The girls began pacing nervously and then a red blade cut through the roof and Shawn said "run!" And they ran out the door as the Seventh Sister jumped in, they ran into the trees not knowing where they'd go now. "Aww!" And the Fifth Brother stabbed the driver with his lightsaber and Shawn bolted after the others.

Suddenly the Seventh Sister cut a large tree at the base and it fell towards them, it landed and cut Shawn off from the others. He saw the Seventh Sister jump on the tree with both blades out and she said "you're not very clever" Shawn ran in the other direction, as he ran away three solders clade in an all white armor with black at the joints and eyes turned and fired at him with some laser guns which were blaster set to stun. Shawn dodged the bright blueish rings and then held his hands up concentrated and imagined the solders being pushed away and to his surprise he felt a whoosh in the air and the solders were pushed a good fifteen feet away. "What the?" He said.

Then he heard a electronic evil sounding male voice say "impressive for not having formal training in the Jedi arts" and then a weird breathing sound. Shawn turned around and ten feet away a tall figure maybe seven feet tall with a mask that had dark lenses and a light panel of some kind on their chest. But the breathing was what stood out the most then Shawn backed up and the figure said "I am Lord Vader".

 But the breathing was what stood out the most then Shawn backed up and the figure said "I am Lord Vader"

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The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now