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January 8,2016
Shawn took a breath and read on this conflict, "Russian troops have advanced into the suburbs of Tallinn, Iranian jets have bombed Abu Dhabi, Chinese and Pakistani artillery has begun landing in central New Delhi" many sources said, "Imperial Ambassador Leia Organa and the Imperial Emperor are working desperately in Vienna to achieve a ceasefire but many Moscow Pact leaders are labeling her actions as "inferring with our affairs",.

Shawn was still confused as were many as to why the sudden outbreak of hostilities. He thought back to Estonia and the looks of fear and readiness he saw on the solders faces, now he wondered how many were still alive but knew that Narva was maybe a pile of rubble by now behind the frontlines. Looking off to the side he levitated a pen in his hand twirling it about not thinking of much,

Vienna, Austria
"Your highness the problem is that the two sides will not speak a word to each other" Leia said, "I'm well aware princess, I will offer a solution to this so called United Nations, we will keep the peace for them" Palpatine said. Leia was a little uneasy "you don't mean to station Imperial troops here do you sir?" She said, Palpatine had a sly look on his shriveled face "precisely" he said. "Be the Force sir you cannot do that they will not accept it" Leia said, Palpatine raised an eyebrow "you believe in the Force princess?". Leia said "a little" a look of slight fear on her face and tried to hide it,

"hm" Palpatine said gesturing at the nearby TV "you see princess this amount of carnage and they will give up anything for peace", "the people of this planet are so incredibly naive and weak". He continued, "but sir President Johnson will be the most difficult to convince she is not like her predecessors" Leia protested, "then perhaps we can find ways to motivate her" Palpatine said walking out with Vader in tow.

January 9,2016
Shawn was out with some friends that day. "You're serious a dragon?" His friend Connor asked with doubt in his tone "yep it's name was Rhaegal" Shawn said telling them about Daenery's dragons . "Ok back up there's people who can shoot fire from their hands" his other friend Scott asked, Shawn nodded. "Wow I wish I could do that" Connor said. Shawn chuckled then felt another disturbance in the Force that felt like many people had just died in fire, it was horrifying so to speak and he saw a glimpse of a city somewhere on fire.

Later the news came, Vancouver and Seattle had been attacked by presumably Russian or Chinese submarines, anti aircraft systems near Seattle shot down most of the missiles however that wasn't the case for Vancouver as the estimated death toll was around eleven hundred or more. Shawn was shocked beyond belief, his country his people had been attacked for absolutely no reason, Canada was bound by NATO treaty obligations to engage Moscow Pact forces.

January 10,2016
"Breaking news out of Vienna where the Russian and Chinese foreign ministers have arrived to meet with Western representatives to end this conflict, uh we're getting word this meeting was brokered by Ambassdor Organa and the Imperial Emperor who is set to partake in this meeting which'll hopefully achieve a ceasefire", a news source said. Shawn had been so distracted lately, Roganda having more experience in the Force had said that the delicate balance of the world had been upset by the war. Wow looks like it's over" Mara said, Shawn asked "how?". "Well Leia getting both sides to start talking to each other",

Later that night Shawn was randomly scrolling through news saying stuff like "Russian forces withdraw from Tallinn suburbs" and others saying " Vienna Accords enacted in Europe and holding steady, in Asia Iranian troops have fired mortars at Turkish forces near Tbilisi". Then the Force felt even again, Shawn let out a relieved sigh knowing full and well the war was over but not the war that still raged on and on in the stars, and that war was far from over.

February 3,2016
Shawn was driving to another friends house when he turned a corner and there was an Imperial checkpoint, although surprised at first he remembered it was part of the Vienna Accords which still held strong. But Russian troops were still present in the Baltic's and Georgia as was the same for Chinese,Iranian Pakistani and Belarusian troops, "identification please" the stormtrooper asked. Shawn reached into his wallet and took his drivers license out and handed it to the stormtrooper, internally he was angry at himself as he'd sworn he'd never allow a single Imperial solder on Earth and yet here they were in his home and across the world. "All clear go ahead" the stormtrooper said handing Shawn his license back,

Later that day he was out with his friends again when they were stopped by three stormtroopers. "Citizen how old are you?" They asked, Shawn had a confused look on his face as did his friends "that was random" one whispered, "uh seventeen" Shawn replied, "all citizens between the ages of eight and twenty three are required to be marked" a stormtrooper said taking out a sort of taser looking device, "what is that?" Shawn asked. "Give me your wrist" the trooper asked, "why?" Shawn asked, "it's the law" the trooper sternly replied.

Shawn looked back at his friends and shrugged and rolled up his sleeve, the trooper grabbed his arm and pressed the device on the underside of his wrist. Shawn gritted his teeth as he felt a bunch of needles pricking his skin, the trooper took the device away and tattooed on his skin was a bar code and the number 75678 was there was well. Shawn was unsure of it and knew his parents would be furious when they found out, but there wouldn't be anything they could do or anyone could do the Empire took away their right to speak out without fear of punishment. Late one night Shawn was woken up by what sounded like firecrackers going off from a distance, curious he opened his window and realized it was gunfire. Then several explosions followed, Shawn noticed people began turning on their lights and wandering outside,

The next day reports came in saying insurgents had attacked an Imperial checkpoint and five of them had been killed. The Imperial governor ordered everyone in the city with a firearm to turn it over to the authorities as was the case in the United States where it was met with violence. Everyday reports came in of resistance groups attacking Imperial troops and installations, Shawn was unsure of what to make of it though until one day two weeks later. He was on a run around his neighborhood when he stopped as he sensed danger. Shawn was unarmed but was still curious nonetheless,

Suddenly someone jammed something circular in his back "don't move" a girls voice said. Shawn raised his hands a little "look I don't have any money-", but she interrupted him "we don't want your money,turn around" she said. Shawn turned around and there were about five people with pistols drawn, "we know who you are" a man said. "We're told you're one of their agents correct?" He asked lowering his gun as did the others "my name is Marcus" he said, "uh ok Marcus who are you people?" Shawn asked not letting his guard down, "We're the resistance, Toronto branch" Marcus said, "ok that's cool but I can't help you" Shawn said. "Not openly duh" the girl said, "my names Clara" she said,  "you're one these uh "gifted ones" is that correct?"Marcus asked.

"Uh yeah why?" Shawn asked, "because one of those red blades took my niece" Marcus said. Shawn pondered for a minute and realized it was an Inquisitor,"that was an Inquisitor" Shawn replied, "do you know where she might be?" Marcus asked. Shawn knew she would've been taken off world "most likely not on Earth" he said, Marcus sighed "alright but can you help us?" Marcus asked. "I can't if I do they'll destroy everything" Shawn said with a slight look of worry in his eyes, "ok but think about it they're not here to keep peace, they're here to oppress us get it?" Marcus said with slight impatience in his tone.

Shawn knew that was true however he was torn between helping his home or watching it suffer under Imperial occupation, and for what? Why would they occupy a city like this? He thought, Shawn made up his mind "I'll help you" he said. Marcus nodded "ok, in that case we're hitting a warehouse where they took people's guns, meet us in that alley way at midnight" Marcus explained pointing down an alleyway to the right,Shawn knew he'd have to sneak out, but that was where his training would help him. " ok I'll be there" he said as the five went their separate ways.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now