The Past Revealed

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Shawn woke up the next day earlier than usual as the sun had just begun to rise but the lights of the city and lines of speeders made little difference. With nothing much to do he got dressed and wandered around the palace, along the way he passed two ISB officers dragging a man by his arms. "On your feet you bastard!" One yelled striking the man with a baton, curious Shawn as he passed by asked "who is this?", the other man said "a spy, we caught him in the city of uh" in a Core Worlds accent that sounded Irish, "Toronto" the other officer said,

"He said he was tasked by his government to track you sir" the officer continued. Shawn was confused at first and asked  "what do you mean?", then the spy yelled "<<let me go ya shits!>>" in Russian, "quiet!" The officer yelled striking him with the baton again. "He was armed with this" the other officer said holding a pistol, Shawn felt a little uneasy yet not scared, "take him away" he said heading off in another direction. Later that day Shawn and Maarek were summoned by Palpatine, "I've an assignment for you two" Palpatine said in his usual slight stern yet clam tone, "in the Jedi Temple you will search for a holocron I require it is an ancient Jedi one you will return it unharmed understood" he continued."Of course sir we won't fail you" Maarek replied, "I hope so for your sake" Palpatine said sending them off,

As they walked out Maarek rubbed his eyes "glad I got my contacts back but geez they're a pain", "you just now got new ones?" Shawn said, "in case you forgot there's a war going on that escalates every week, the causality rates are rising" Maarek said. "And that info about there being a million star destroyers was fake there's only twenty eight thousand" he continued, that confused Shawn as how this galaxy spanning Empire only had that many ships to enforce its tyranny, but if that was true the Rebels would have a better chance.

Jedi Temple,
Shawn and Maarek entered the lower vaults looking for whatever there was, Shawn semi looked in the Force and thought he heard someone call his name, "boo!" Maarek yelled jumping out the shadows, Shawn jumped "Jesus Christ Maarek you trying to kill me?", "why? Just a joke" Maarek responded with a slight chuckle.  After trekking through the various empty halls Shawn heard a whisper, Shawn, a faint male voice called out from the shadows, stopping he listened for the voice "what is it?" Maarek asked. "I heard someone call my name" Shawn replied. "Probably the wind" Maarek said continuing on, Shawn the voice called out agin this time louder, Shawn said "I'm gonna check it out", Maarek threw his arms up "fine I'll just dig around" and headed off. Shawn followed the voice that still called his name, "Shawn" the voice said right behind him. He spun around and saw nothing and sensed nothing, then something tapped his shoulder, Shawn looked and saw there was a holocron on the ground,

He picked it up and it seemed to be like an ordinary Jedi holocron, then Shawn saw something. In a flash he saw Xedrix standing on a ledge his son beside him and a toddler beside a woman, "you see this Darien your entire lifespan of twenty years is encompassed in these pyramids" Xedrix said gesturing at the pyramids, "if only your mother'd lived to see this" he continued. Then the toddler ran over to Xedrix and he smiled picking him up "I was initially upset about this" Xedrix said looking at the toddler, "but I've found it very peaceful". Then a cloaked figure approached "Lord Xedrix the Emperor he's found us",Then it ended,

Next it showed a hooded man approaching Xedrix on a desert planet with lightning around his hands, Darien lay lifeless on the ground along with the toddler and the woman while Xedrix limped away. "I see you became a father and grandfather Xedrix tis a shame you never knew the full meaning of the dark side" Vitiate said before blasting him with lightning "I offered all you traitors amnesty from your crimes and you refused!" Vitiate yelled blasting Xedrix again and he fell on the ground. "I will leave your work untouched, it'll be pointless I've severed that planets connection to the Force" Vitiate said, "if that is true" Xedrix weakly said rising "then why'd you build a temple in the most inhospitable place there with names of people who don't exist", "you so ignorant Xedrix, I cannot permanently sever the planets connection, it'll regain the connection in the next three thousand years or so".

"And I'm guessing whoever's power awakens first will be great" Xedrix said, "precisely" Vitiate responded with a sort of sly undertone. "Do you know who it'll? be as you surely carved their name in the stone wall of the temple" Xedrix asked, "I do not for sure, what I do know is a being will one day venture into the temple and change that planets history forever" Vitiate said lifting Xedrix off his feet "and that first one watches us at the very moment" Vitiate said looking right at Shawn and he felt the color drain from his face, then he looked at Xedrix and snapped his neck. Shawn dropped the holocron backing up from it, putting the pieces together he realized that this Vitiate had foreseen Snoke in the temple almost three millennia before he did. "Good you found it" Maarek said jumping in picking the holocron up and heading out, Shawn quickly made his way out as well having the feeling of eyes on him the whole time. Palpatine held the holocron with a satisfied expression "did either of you encounter any obstacles?" He asked, "uh no sir" Shawn replied sounding as truthful as possible, "good any obstacle must be brushed aside" Palpatine said gesturing them away,

The thought of someone in a vision seeing him frightened Shawn. He stared out at the skyline of Coruscant as its crisscrossing speeders with the sunset was relaxing in a way, "doing the usual?" Mara asked strolling over, "yep just I saw something" Shawn replied facing her, "what'd you see?" Mara asked with curiously prevalent in her tone, "I saw this uh guy who looked at me" Shawn explained with a worrisome expression. "That's weird" Mara said, "never heard of that, did you tell the Emperor?" She asked, "no didn't know how to tell him he'd think I'm crazy" Shawn replied. "I've had those before, visions of the past" Mara said, Shawn raised an eyebrow "you have? What'd you see?" He asked, Mara responded "I don't know, in them I'm little and running from an Inquisitor or something".

Shawn grabbed her hand and she looked at him, "I see stuff from the past, there was this guy named Vitiate he saw me" Shawn said, Mara's expression looked shocked "wait Vitiate?, that guy lived for five thousand years" she said, Shawn was confused how could any mortal being live that long, "how'd he live that long?" Shawn asked, "legend says he drained all the life on his homeworld and that's it" Mara replied then shrugged "that's all I know, anyway goodnight" she said and kissed his cheek walking off. Shawn swore he could still feel the cold burn he felt when Vitiate saw him in that vision, but how? That was over thirty five hundred years ago it didn't seem possible, then again the Force was a mysterious thing.

A:N sorry I didn't update for like three weeks-Poet

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