Imperial Mercy

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Shawn held his arm sure it was now bruised or fractured but knew it was a reminder as well, "Aw Lord Vader I see you've returned but where is the Jedi?" Thrawn asked looking up from a holoprojecter. "Perhaps you should ask the boy" Vader said pushing Shawn forward by the shoulder, "care to explain this Mendes?" Thrawn asked, Shawn didn't know what to say that he'd let Ezra and Ventress get away because of some reason that Thrawn would most likely have no knowledge of.

"I didn't think he was that good a fighter he uh outwitted me" he said, Thrawn said "he outwitted you" nodding a little "perhaps next time perception is something you might need, often a foe seems less a threat than anticipated" he said, "give me your code cylinder" Thrawn said extending his hand. Shawn sighed and reached into his jacket taking the metallic cylinder from the internal pocket and handing it to Thrawn who removed the top placing it in a astromech droid before handing it back "that is your punishment some of your accesses are restricted now" Thrawn said,

"I see the Jedi inflicted some damage on you" Thrawn commented, no someone else did, Shawn thought. "But no matter we will simply look for them again, now uh Lord Vader what of the enemy prisoners and wounded?" Thrawn asked looking at the lines of rebel soldiers with their hands on their heads being escorted by stormtroopers, "kill them all" Vader said and Thrawn seemed displeased "as you wish my lord" he said and several ISB officers in their distinctive white jacketed uniforms headed off. "I want probes sent across the planet we will find these Jedi" Vader ordered, "I might have one who may know that answer but he refuses to talk" Thrawn responded, "Perhaps Mendes might remedy that" Vader said practically pulling Shawn's sleeve. "Let me go" Shawn demanded angrily swiping his arm away "you will not leave my sight for sometime young one do not make me regret my mercy" Vader snapped back. Shawn wanted to kick something now he clenched his fists even if it hurt his upper arm,

"Good your anger will prove to be a tool most needed" Vader added coldly and Shawn glared at him. An officer brought forth a rebel captain who seemed panicked "please I have a family just let me go!" He pleaded frantically looking around, Shawn felt bad but knew he couldn't do much. "Where is the Jedi?" Vader asked, "the what? They're extinct just let me go please!" The captain replied, Shawn waved his hand " you will tell me where the Jedi is" not wanting to look in his mind, the captains tense look turned emotionless

"the Jedi went north to a secret cave half a klick from here General Kota is there" the captain said. "Good, your usefulness has come to an end" Vader said and two stormtroopers dragged him off with one of the ISB officers drawing his pistol, Shawn felt like he was about to have a panic attack from what'd he'd seen in just three hours. Then a shot rang out and he flinched concealing his emotions best as he could. "Mendes head off to that cave alert us once you've arrived expect reinforcement, am I clear" Vader ordered, "y-y-yes sir" Shawn replied his voice shaking.

He set off glad to be away from those people, he didn't understand how someone could be so evil like that and order someone to be killed. Vader was a Sith as well so that would contribute to his malevolence which helped him fit in the Imperial hierarchy perfectly, As he approached the cave Shawn heard voices "we have stay and fight the Sith Lord is here" Ezra said, "we can't defeat Vader Ezra" Kota said. Shawn climbed up more although the effort was slightly hampered by his arm he ignored the pain, he peeked into the cave barely, "ok than what're we gonna do if one of em Inquisitors shows up" Zeb protested.

Shawn held his comlink ready to press the homing beacon but hesitated, press it, a voice said they'll only kill you it said and he felt cold. Shawn stopped not wanted, "I think one of the Hands or Shawn showing up is more likely" Kanan said and Shawn ducked down still debating clicking the button, if he didn't Vader wouldn't be as merciful this time and he'd never see his family again or worse. Shawn's other hand held onto a rock with the Force now he felt afraid and angry at the same time,

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