Part 159

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***Imperial Palace, May 18th, 2016
Shawn woke up with a severe coughing fit and his head throbbed like crazy, it was so bad he grabbed his comlink and rang Roganda as Mara was out on a mission, "Ro-" he said but another coughing fit happened, "Ro, can you come here" he managed to say though very scratchy, "ok, what's wrong? you don't sound good" she replied with concern, "I just feel like crud" he said then coughed again, "on my way" she said and the channel closed. Shawn coughed again and this time it hurt a lot, he managed to get up and get a cup of water from the sink and drank it but it did little to help so he laid down again.

A little while longer the door slid open and Roganda walked in, "what's up?" She asked and Shawn coughed again then looked at her, "feeling like dirt here" he said and she put her hand on his forehead and cheek, "oh my god you're on fire" then he coughed again this time she gave him a handkerchief, "I'm gunna go get someone" she Roganda said backing away, "wait" Shawn called out, "Jallar, check on him too, he didn't look good yesterday after-" he said then stopped realizing what had happened, Vladimir somehow used the Force and applied it as a biological weapon, whatever he gave Shawn surely packed a punch, "after what?" Roganda asked but Shawn painfully coughed again and she hurried out.

Shortly later she returned with a hovering droid, "hello there, what is the issue?" It asked in a monotone voice, Shawn gestured at his throat, "I have this really bad cough and just feel like crap" he said and the droid hovered over and a blue light emitted from its eye pieces scanning Shawn's head and upper body then hovered behind him in placed something against his back, Shawn coughed again, "it would appear you have some sort of respiratory infection" the droid said, the answer puzzled Shawn as he'd felt perfectly fine the day before except after Vladimir looked at him and his eyes glowed, "do have something for it?" He asked, "yes" the droid replied and a compartment opened on its arm and a small vial came out, "drink this" the droid said and Shawn took the vial and drank it, "it shall help in the next five minutes or so" the droid said hovering off as Shawn dosed off again.

****** Gettysburg Bunker,
Johnson watched the red dots grow larger across the country, San Diego and Houston had just been bombarded from orbit and the numbers on civilian casualties were uncertain, but so far the Empire had lost a hundred thousand stormtroopers compared to the forty thousand regular Army, Guardsmen and Marines mostly due to accuracy being better and the advantage of projectiles that couldn't be seen by the naked eye. Now Johnson had more on her mind she was afraid Riosovsky might utilize his nuclear arsenal if they couldn't get Alexi back, luckily in the last few months of the Walker Administration a large portion of the US nuclear arsenal was placed in newly built submarines capable of being submerged for two months at a time. Walker may've been a Democrat but he was an old school Kennedy style of Democrat and the issue of national security was a great deal to him.

"Madam President" Matthews said walking over, " some of the Pacific fleet at our base in Okinawa has reported they can began striking the Imperial forces landing in China or Australia but only one of those and the Empire will detect them otherwise" Matthews explained, Johnson was unsure what to due, help an old ally or a forced one by mutual situation, but China had the larger military and civilian population whereas Australia would be crushed quickly and its people massacred. "Send them south" Johnson ordered, "yes ma'am" Matthews said walking away.

Hammond approached her now, "set up a joint video conference with every major leader if possible" she said, "ma'am after what Riosovsky was like it's best not to contact him at the moment" Hammond advised, " I don't care if he is, we have to coordinate our defense before tomorrow" Johnson said, "should we begin arranging that then?" Hammond asked taking the holoprojector out of his jacket pocket, "ok, in my office" Johnson said walking over to the room with a Secret Service agent nearby and shutting the door behind them.

"Set it there" she said pointing at her desk and Hammond set it down in front of her clicking a few buttons and it beeped for a few seconds before the image of Thrawn flickered on, "Madam President, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Thrawn asked. "I'd like to extend an olive branch and begin a ceasefire if possible" Johnson said, "so soon?" Thrawn asked with a slightly smug look, "or we can keep fighting and let innocent civilians be killed" Johnson said not letting down her guard, "perhaps I have orders from the Emperor to intentionally target them" Thrawn suggested, "if you do then it's life behind bars or the chair if we ever capture you" Johnson said back. Thrawn wasn't fazed, "then perhaps I will take your offer into consideration, who will be meeting with me?".

"My Secretary Of State and the Russian Foreign Minister" Johnson said, "which reminds me, we demand you return Alexi Riosovsky to his father at the same time". Thrawn smiled more and reached off cam and then pulled Alexi into view, he looked terrified but hid it well, "do not fret Madam President the boy is unharmed, yet maintains a solid demeanor" Thrawn replied, "Minister Sorov will ask for him, you will send a ship to an undisclosed location to retrieve Secretary Hammond and then another for Sorov, if you refuse to release him I promise you it won't end well for you Grand Admiral, so will you accept my offer?" Johnson said sternly, Thrawn pushed Alexi away, "I accept".

***** Yavin 4, Great Temple of Massassai
After clearing Atollon of any hostiles Clara and everyone else returned to Alliance HQ, "thank you for clearing Chopper Base of any potential enemies Corporal Smith, now we have another undercover assignment for you" Dravien explained, "you will locate Captain Saw Gerrera on the planet Teth, once there you will head with him to the world Baridia and he will rebuild the base we established there before it was destroyed just as the base on Atollon was". "Of course sir, I will do this" Clara replied then walked away.

She walked outside and scaled the steep side steps of the temple and sat on the first balcony type area watching the sunset and X-wings coming in and out, even the sight of the gas giant Yavin made the skyline look crisp. "Hey" a male voice said, Clara looked back to see Ezra was there as well, "hey" she said back with a smile as he walked over and sat beside her, Clara felt her cheeks get warm a little, can't believe I shot this guy he's kinda cute, she thought, "pretty out here" she said, "kinda like my planet, only more trees and a big orange ball in the sky". Ezra chuckled a little, "I'm from Lothal, it's all plains no trees, Earth does look nice though" he said. "Maybe you'll get to come with me there sometime" Clara said moving a strand of hair out of her face, "I'd love to" Ezra replied and Clara blushed more yet simply stared at the sunset waiting for her next assignment on behalf of the Alliance.

Thrawn turned to Alexi who had two stormtroopers beside him, "I will promise you this Alexi Viktorevich, if your father refuses to comply you will die" Thrawn said, "try him, we Russians are not scared of fascist invaders" Alexi said back with a moderate accent. "Oh I have studied this planets history and cultures, a very interesting place indeed, your people suffered under the Tsar then the Bolsheviks, Stalin was one in particular and how he put millions of his own to death" Thrawn explained, "my father is not like Joseph Vissarionovich (Stalin)" Alexi snapped back. "Ah, so he has never told you of what he really does, he has more in common with the Empire than you think" Thrawn said walking away, "but you should fear him or us in equal measure".

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