one year later

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*It's been a little over a year since Benji was adopted. His caseworker is coming to check in on him. Send suggestions! Love • Bree 💙

Will and RJ just finished up cleaning the house and they are watching TV. Will pulls out the camera and vlogs.

"Benji's caseworker is coming over today. Just for a checkup. To make sure he is doing well and adjusting. Don't worry everything is fine, this is just a thing you have to do when you adopt through the foster care system. Also because of Benji's situation." Will says as he films RJ and Coralei.

"His caseworker is like our best friend. She is the reason we are Benji's parents. She is an phenomenal person. She is also having a baby so we made her a little basket." RJ says.

"I don't think she knows what she is having yet, so we put gender neutral things in there. Benji is taking his nap, so we are just relaxing downstairs with Coralei waiting for Carrie to arrive." Will says as he waves.

A few minutes later the door bell rings and it's Carrie. RJ puts Coralei in her swing and then he walks over to the door and opens it.

"Hey! Come on in!" RJ says as he hugs Carrie. "Hey guys! I love the new house! It's incredible!" Carrie says as Dobby tries to jump on her.

"Dobby, down." RJ says. "Hi Dobby! You have gotten big too! You smell the other doggies I have met today, huh?" Carrie says as she pets Dobby.

"It's so good to see you! And thank you! Benji is taking a nap, but he will be up any moment." Will says as he hugs Carrie. Coralei coos in her swing.

"Aw, the baby! She is so beautiful!" Carrie says as RJ picks her up. "Would you like to hold Coralei?" RJ asks and Carrie happily nods.

RJ hands Coralei to Carrie. "She is so beautiful! She's a chunker!" Carrie says, causing Will and RJ to giggle.

"Thank you, Benji loves her so so much." RJ says and Will nods. Will and Carrie talk about baby things since Carrie is expecting her first child.

"Thank you so much for the basket! I appreciate it so much!" Carrie says with a huge smile.

"Of course, it's the least RJ and I can do. You have done so much for us and you are family." Will says.

Benji walks down the steps from his nap. "Hey bubba! Look who's here!" Will says as Benji sees Carrie.

"Ms. Carrie!" Benji says as he runs over to Carrie. "Hey! I missed you!" Carrie says as she hugs Benji.

"Woah, you have gotten so tall!" Carrie says and Benji smiles. "He has gained a lot of weight and grown a lot." Will says and RJ smiles.

"You are holding Coralei!" Benji says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

"I am holding Coralei! You are a big boy! Who is Coralei?" Carrie asks Benji. "Baby Coralei is my baby sister and she was born upstairs in the bathroom!" Benji says and Carrie giggles.

RJ laughs loudly as Will covers his face, laughing too. "Long story short Will gave birth to Coralei at home. It was an accident home birth." RJ explains to Carrie.

"Aw, that's cute! I don't know if I could do that. Coralei is so beautiful." Carrie says happily. "I know, I was scared and I am so grateful that she is here and healthy." Will says.

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