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*Benji and Coralei are excited for Halloween! Even Theodore! I hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree 💕

Today is Halloween! Will is at home with Dobby, Coralei and Theodore. RJ is at work at a meeting and Benji is at school.

Will films Coralei and Theodore playing together on the floor. Theodore is holding a Moana baby doll while Coralei is playing with her Belle baby doll.

"Are you playing with Cora's baby?" Will asks Theodore and Theodore babbles at him.

"That's mine!" Coralei says as she tries to grab the Moana baby doll.

"Hey hey. We need to share. We need to share. He isn't doing anything to the baby, he's just playing." Will says sternly to Coralei.

Coralei hugs Theodore and puts a hat on him, making Will laugh. Theodore takes the hat off and giggles.

"Thank you for being sweet, Coralei. Don't worry guys, Coralei is very sweet and gentle with Theodore. Something about her baby dolls she does not want anybody touching them. Not even Benji." Will says as he films Coralei and Theodore together.

Theodore crawls over to Will and pulls himself up on Will's leg. Will kisses Theodore's cheek and Theodore tries to grab Will's glasses.

"Hi, handsome boy! He has been standing up a bunch! But he hasn't walked yet, which is fine. Coralei walked at eleven months, Theodore is almost ten months." Will says as he picks up Theodore.

Theodore smiles at the camera making Will smile. Will kiss Theodore's cheek twice.

"Do you see yourself? You are so cute." Will says as he fixes Theodore's light brown hair.

"Oh! Coralei, what's today?" Will asks Coralei.

"Hall ween!" Coralei says as she jumps up snd down.

"That's right! I am so excited for Halloween. Coralei kinda gets it this year and Benji loves it. It's Theodore's first Halloween! Yay!" Will says as Theodore babbles.

"I feel like I was always pregnant on Halloween these past few years! Last Halloween I was pregnant and Benji's first Halloween with us I was pregnant. But this year I am NOT pregnant and I won't be pregnant anymore." Will says as Coralei smiles.

"Hungwry Daddy." Coralei says to Will.

"It is lunch time, isn't it?" Will says as Coralei waves at the camera and then nods.

"Well, I am going to feed these two lunch and we are going to take a n-a-p. See you guys later!" Will says as he waves.

- A Few Hours Later -
RJ is in the car pool line at Benji's elementary school. RJ fixes his hair and smiles at the camera.

"Hi, guys! Good afternoon! I am out of work early, woohoo! So, I am in the car pool line to pick up Benji from school. Will is letting the other two kiddos finish their naps so they aren't grumpy during trick or treating." RJ says as he pulls up in front of the school.

A teacher's assistant opens RJ's car door and Benji climbs into his booster seat.

"Bye Benji, have a great day!" Ms. Ashley says with a grin.

"Bye, Ms. Ashley!" Benji says as he gets his seat belt on.

"Thank you!" RJ says as he waves at Ashley and Ashley smiles.

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