dear benji

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*Will and RJ post a video of a letter they wrote for Benji, who is turning four! I hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree 🎀

Dear Benjamin Elliot,

"Our dear sweet Benjamin. Our precious Benji, our big boy and the child we have prayed for. You are such a huge blessing in Papi and I's lives and we love everything about you. I don't want you to ever think you aren't good enough because you are and you are our everything." Will says.

"Daddy and I cannot believe you are four years old. I remember going with Daddy to pick you up and bringing you home for the very first time. You were scared, but happy to have a forever family and stability. We know this was a big change for you and that you have dealt with a lot." RJ says.

"You are the bravest little boy, dealing with so much pain and heartache in the first two years of you life. You learned how to cope in your dangerous and unpredictable environment. You are such a little warrior and that makes you an incredible boy." Will says.

"You are very handsome, with your dibbles in your smile, and your chestnut brown hair. With your ocean blue eyes and your button nose. Your burn scars on your body are not a sign of weakness or a sign of your past. It is a sign on how courageous you are." RJ says.

"I love how compassionate towards others and how you always want to help people before yourself. You are so loving towards Papi, Dobby, Coralei and I. You always want to help others. Will says.

"You are the light do Daddy's and I's eyes. You made Daddy and I parents, which is something we waited our whole lives to be. In our eyes you are our son. It doesn't matter if you are biological or not. You were brought into this world to be ours." RJ says.

"You have made Papi and I better people and to understand others with their circumstances better. Teaching us that not everybody has the perfect life and upbringing. You have overcame more then I would ever have. I understand your pain and I am always going to be there to help you through anything and everything." Will says.

"You have inspired Daddy and I so much. I love to watch you smile and having fun everyday. Whether you are playing Pokémon with Daddy, or riding Dobby like a horse, or just coloring. Daddy and I 's favorite part of the day is seeing you walk downstairs with your messy bed hair and to see how excited you are about the day." RJ says.

"Your love towards your little sister is truly memorizing. You treat her like she is your pride and joy. Most boys are mad that they don't get a baby brother, but with you it's the opposite. You were ecstatic to have a baby sister, and you were there to help when she was born. That is something Papi and I cherish forever. She loves you so much and she always will." Will says.

"Daddy and I share one goal. Our goal in life to never let you think or wonder how much we love you or how proud we are of you." RJ says.

"Papi and I want the world for you. We want you to be whoever you want to be and love who you want to love. I will always be there for you and so will Papi. Papi and I work hard every single day so you and Coralei have it all. I can't wait for you to wake up for your birthday party today and to have fun with your friends. Today is your special day. I love you, Benjamin Elliot Shepherd-Aguiar." Will says.

"The house is decked out in Pokémon just for you, big boy. Everybody is coming to the party for you and not anybody else. I hope you have a incredible fourth birthday. I love you so much Benjamin Elliot." RJ says.

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