snapchats #10

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*Even more cute and fluffy family snapchats. Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🌈*

• These snaps are from Will's account🌲They are in no particular order! •

*Picture of Will's Google office*
- I am OBSESSED with my office! 😍

*Picture of Will and RJ cuddling in bed. RJ is sleeping on Will's chest and Will is wide awake*
- RJ fell asleep on me and I can't sleep 😩

*Video of Dobby snoring loudly as he sleeps on his dog bed*
- dobby is finally getting the rest he hasn't had in a week due to a sore tooth that is now gone! 💤

*Picture of Benji at the eye doctor getting his eyes check*
- poor benji has an eye infection ☹️

*Picture of Will's messy bed hair* 
- is it bad that I don't feel like brushing my messy bed hair? does this look cute?

*Video of Harlow playing with her toys and talking with Will*
Harlow: "Da da! Da da! Da da!"
Will: "Hi, baby girl! Whatcha doing? Whatcha doing, baby?"
Harlow: "Ba ba ba! Da da ga ga ga!"
Will: "Oh, I see! How cool, baby!"
Harlow smiles ear to ear at Will, showing the teeth she has and that are growing in
- harlow loves to say da da! 🥰

*Video of Dobby running around outside with Benji, Theodore and Coralei*
- I freaking love seeing the kids hanging out and playing ❤️ it makes my heart melt 🥰

*Video of Coralei doing her dance routine for Will*
Coralei dances her dance that she will do in the dance festival in a few days
Coralei finishes her routine and bows at Will
Will: "Beautiful dancing, princess! Beautiful job!"
Coralei smiles ear to ear at Will and hugs him
Coralei: "Thank you, Daddy! I love you!"
Will: "I love you too, baby!"
- coralei is getting ready for the dance festival 💃🏻

*Picture of Dobby begging for Will's cereal*
- no, dobby. you can't have my lucky charms cereal ☘️

*Picture of RJ sleeping in the recliner with Harlow, Coralei and Theodore all sleeping and cuddling together* 
- look how cute this is 😩😭💛

*Picture of Benji, Theodore, Coralei and Harlow
- sibling pictures are my freaking fav ever 🧡🥰

*Picture of Will's new car that RJ bought him*
- RJ surprised me and bought me a brand new car! thank you baby 😩😭❤️🥰

*Video of Benji doing a skateboard trick*
Benji: "Watch me do my skateboard trick, Daddy!"
Will: "I'm watching, bud! I'm watching you!"
Benji begins to do the skateboard trick and does it and lands it perfectly
Benji: "I did it, Daddy! I did it! YES!"
Will: "Awesome job, bubba! Awesome job!"
Benji gives Will a high five and smiles at Will
- this boy is going to give me a heart attack! 😬👦🏻🛹

*Picture of Will, Harlow, Coralei, RJ, Theodore and Benji*
- snapchat family selfie! 📸

*Picture of Dobby and Will together. Dobby is licking Will's cheek*
- dobby kisses are the cutest 💋🐶😍❣️

*Picture of RJ, Harlow, Theodore, Benji and Coralei selfie*
- shepherd-aguiar snapchat family selfie! just missing Will, he is still sleeping 😍❤️

*Picture of Will breastfeeding Harlow and smiling*
- still going strong 😊🤱🏼

*Picture of Benji painting
- bubba loves to paint 😇

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