instagram captions #5

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*More pictures for you guys! I hope you enjoy! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 💋*

• These are going to be from Will's account🌲They are in no typical order!

*Picture of Benji with a cap and gown on*
- He's a kindergartner now! 😩😭 #PreschoolGrad

*Picture of Coralei standing up, holding onto the couch*
- Somebody is learning how to stand! She's such a big girl! 😍👶🏻

*Picture of Benji and Dobby*
- These two have the closest bond. Benji was terrified of dogs at first and now he's dog obsessed. Benji helps Dobby after he has a seizure and Dobby helps Benji during his hard PTSD days. I love watching them together so much, it makes my heart melt. 🐶👦🏻

*Picture of Benji and Coralei holding an ultrasound picture*
- We are being outnumbered in February! RJ and I are so excited to announce we are expecting baby #3! 💙💚💖

*Picture of Dobby and Coralei. Coralei is napping on the couch*
- Protecting Coralei during her nap. She hasn't felt good and I think he can tell 👧🏻💜

*Picture of Will and Dobby. Dobby has his head on Will's baby bump*
- Dobby loves putting his head on my belly 😇

*Picture of Benji, Dobby and Coralei with blue confetti all over them*
- Baby Shepherd-Aguiar is a BOY! We are so excited! 💚💙👶🏻

*Picture of Benji holding his First Day of Kindergarten sign*
- My kindergartener is ready for school! He is such a big boy now 😭

*Picture of Coralei wearing her birthday shirt and a party hat*
- Happy first birthday to Coralei! I can't believe you are one! You are a such a perfect little girl and I am so proud to be your dad! I love you princess, happy birthday 💖🎀

*Picture of Dobby laying with Coralei and Benji*
- My children 🐶👦🏻👧🏻

*Picture of Benji and Coralei holding up with board with the baby's name on it*
- Theodore Robert Shepherd-Aguiar is the name of our new baby boy. We can't wait to meet him 💚

*Picture of Benji hugging Will*
- This boy has had a rough few days. His PTSD has made him inconsolable and he has a bad attitude. He thought we didn't love him anymore because we punished him for his bad behavior. I feel awful and could cry. But today he is doing better, showing his resilience and strength. He was helping me get Theodore's clothes ready and he can't wait for Theodore to come. This boy is the strongest and I am so happy to be his dad.

*Picture of Benji smiling and wearing a birthday hat*
- Happy fifth birthday to my big boy! I can't believe how fast you are growing. I am so lucky and grateful to be your dad. You are my son in my eyes, blood doesn't matter. You are my son and I love you forever and always 👦🏻

*Picture of Will and RJ smiling*
- Date night 💋😚

*Picture of Coralei and Benji kissing Will's baby bump*
- They love to feel baby Theodore move around 💚👶🏻

*Picture of Will showing his baby bump*
- Any day now, Theodore 👶🏻❣️😍

*Picture of Will holding Theodore and RJ kissing his head*
- Happy birthday, Theodore 💚 Papi and I love you so much already! 8 lbs 8 oz & 21 inches of pure perfection. So happy to be your Daddy.

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