hard decisions

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*Benji's biological dad's family wants to meet with him, but Will and RJ don't know if the meeting should even happen. Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🌻*

For a couple of months now, Benji has been talking to RJ and Will about possibly wanting to meet with his biological dad's family in the near future.

Benji has a very close relationship with his biological mom's side of the family since he reunited with them almost a year ago. So, Benji is really hoping to have the same thing happen with his biological dad's family.

However, Benji's biological dad's family hasn't really wanted any contact with Benji since Benji was placed into foster care and since Benji was adopted by Will and RJ.

Will and RJ have been hesitant about a possible meeting, due to Benji's biological dad being abusive to Benji and Benji's mom and Benji having PTSD about it.

Will is having a relaxing day at home with baby Harlow. Will wanted to get ahead on his work and keep Harlow home since she has been teething like crazy and is grumpy.

RJ, Benji, Coralei and Theodore are at the Splash Park for one of Coralei's friends birthday party!

Will and Harlow are cuddling on the couch together. Will is working on his laptop while Harlow is playing music on Will's iPhone.

Harlow is currently listening to the Baby Shark song, which Will doesn't like at all. But Will do anything to keep Harlow happy and contained.

"Da da da da da da da da da." Harlow says to Will, holding the iPhone up at him.

"Hi, baby girl. And what's wrong?" Will asks Harlow.

"Ba ba ba." Harlow says to Will showing him that somebody is calling.

"Oh, somebody is calling me on my phone. Can I have it?" Will says as Harlow hands Will his iPhone.

Will sees that Benji's caseworker Carrie is calling him and kinda gets a little worried about it. However, he realizes it is probably about Benji's biological dad's family.

Will sets his laptop down on the table and answers his iPhone.

Will: "Hello?"

Carrie: "Hello, Will! How are you doing today?"

Will: "Hello, Carrie! I am doing very well! Thank you for asking! How are you doing? And I am actually just relaxing at home getting ahead on my work and just hanging out with baby Harlow. Harlow has been teething, so she has been crabby lately."

Carrie: "I am glad you are doing well, Will! And I am doing great as well! I have just been busy working and helping so many kids get adopted! It has been amazing! Anyway, how are the other kids and RJ doing? Is Benji doing well?"

Will: "I have been very busy with work too! But it is finally slowly down for the summer, so I am excited to have a fun summer with the kids and Benji, Coralei, Theodore and RJ are actually at the Splash Park for a birthday party for one of Coralei's preschool friends right now. And Benji is doing incredible. He is playing soccer and hockey! He is excelling in school and he has so many friends! He has minimal PTSD flashbacks and he is just so happy right now."

Carrie: "That's wonderful! I am so glad Benji is developing right on track and is doing great! It sounds like he is a very active boy! How has Benji been with his biological mom's side of the family?"

Will: "Benji absolutely loves being with his mom's side of the family. They are all incredible people and they treat all of us so well. They even treat Coralei, Theodore and Harlow like their own. It was an amazing decision for Benji to meet with them. Benji feels so loved."

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