instagram captions #8

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*Send suggestions on what you wanna see please! I need help sos! Love • Bree 💛

• These are going to be from Will's account🌲They are in no typical order!

*Picture of Coralei and Theodore sitting on the couch together. Coralei has Theodore in her lap*
- walked in to see these two watching Sesame Street together 😍

*Picture of Theodore smiling and holding his Cookie Monster plush*
- 🍪 my little Cookie Monster 🍪

*Picture of Benji's soccer picture*
- since when did he get so tall? My handsome boy 🧒🏻

*Picture of Coralei smiling and wearing a Rapunzel dress. Her glasses are crooked*
- princess Coralei is ready for the tea party! 👧🏻🍵

*Picture of Will laying in bed with a blanket covering his face*
- I don't wanna get out of bed 😩

*Picture of Will, Coralei, Theodore, RJ and Benji. Coralei is sitting on Will's lap, Theodore is sitting in RJ's lap and Benji is standing in between Will and RJ*
- family selfies never work out but this one fits all of our personalities so much 😂💜

*Picture of RJ sleeping on the floor with Coralei and Benji*
- we are having a camping night in the living room and these three fell asleep 💤

*Picture of Will and Dobby. Will has his eyes closed and Dobby is licking his face*
- Dobby will always be my first born 🐶

*Picture of Will at the gym with RJ*
- RJ keeps staring at me working out and spanking my ass 😂💪🏻

*Picture of Will and RJ kissing*
- forever in love with you 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

*Picture of Coralei eating a ice cream*
- coralei has been such an amazing big sister and helper! We decided to treat her to a yummy treat. Coralei loves strawberry ice cream. 🍦

*Picture of Benji holding Pokémon cards*
- playing Pokémon with my big guy 🧒🏻☺️❤️

*Picture of Theodore smiling at Will. He has toys all around him*
- he emptied out the toy box and is very happy about it 👶🏻💙

*Picture of Coralei smiling big and holding a ticket*
- she was so excited that she was going to see my little pony live. I fucking love spoiling my kids. 👧🏻🦄

*Picture of Benji, Coralei and RJ reading a book*
- one of my fav sights 😊

*Picture of Theodore sleeping next to RJ*
- they are twins, I swear 😊

*Picture of Benji sleeping next to Will*
- finally asleep after a long night of crying due to a very sore ear. Is it time to go to the doctors already? I hate seeing him so upset 😣

*Picture of Will's dinner plate*
- RJ made his delicious dinner 😋

*Picture of Benji holding Theodore*
- my boys 🧒🏻👶🏻💚

*Picture of Dobby, Benji, Coralei and Theodore*
- 🐶🧒🏻👧🏻👶🏻

*Picture of Dobby laying next to Theodore*
- teddy hasn't felt well and Dobby is keeping him company and keeping him calm. 👶🏻🐶

*Picture of Will at work and drinking coffee*
- coffee coffee coffee ☕️

*Picture of Benji drinking a milkshake*
- after a hard ptsd day, I decided to treat Benji with his favorite milkshake

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