family meets harlow

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*Will's mom, stepdad, grandma, RJ's mom and dad visit! Please send suggestions! Love • Bree 👑

Will and RJ's families are coming to visit for a few days! They are also going to meet baby Harlow for the very first time!

RJ is feeding Harlow a bottle in Harlow's nursery, while Coralei and Theodore are watching Netflix in Benji's bedroom. Benji is playing a video game on his iPad. RJ turns the camera on and vlogs himself and Harlow.

"Hi, guys! Happy Saturday! I am just feeding this beautiful little lady before our family arrives! They should be here in an hour or two." RJ says as he begins to burp Harlow.

Harlow gives a small burp, making RJ giggle. RJ kisses Harlow's cheek and wipes off her mouth.

"Will is taking a much needed catnap right now. Harlow was cluster feeding pretty much all night last night so Will didn't sleep much. Harlow is going through a growth spurt that's for sure! This girl is getting so big! Say hi, Harlow!" RJ says filming Harlow wide awake in his arms.

Harlow looks around and looks at the camera making RJ smile. RJ then softly kisses her cheek.

"Her eyes look like a bluish color to me! They may change but right now they look to be blue just like Will and Benji!" RJ says as he and Harlow walk out of Harlow's nursery. 

*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

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*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

RJ hears Coralei and Theodore arguing about watching a Netflix show they were watching.

"NO! I was watching that, Teddy!" Coralei yells at Theodore and grabs the remote from him.

"NO! MY TURN!" Theodore yells at Coralei.

"Hey, Hey! Cut it out you two! You know we don't yell at each other like that. Daddy is sleeping and we need to be quiet. We also need to be on our best behavior, Grandma, Nana, Mima, Pipo and Pop are on the way! Let's go downstairs guys, let Benji have some privacy in his bedroom." RJ says as he, Harlow, Coralei and Theodore all go downstairs.

"Dobby!" Theodore says hugging Dobby's neck tightly.

"Hi, Dobby! Love you!" Coralei says as she kisses Dobby's cheek.

"Be gentle with Dobby, guys. Be careful." RJ says as he kisses Harlow's cheek.

RJ places Harlow in her swing and she yawns. RJ covers her up with her mint green and pink blanket.

Benji walks down the steps and plugs his iPad on the charger.

"Hey, bud! You didn't have to come down just yet. I brought Coralei and Theodore down so you can have some privacy in your bedroom." RJ says to Benji.

"I know! But I wanted to come down and play with the Nintendo Switch! I'm so excited for the new Mario Tennis game to come out!" Benji says with a smile, showing off his mouth with missing teeth.

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