snapchats #8

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*More cute and fluffy snaps. Please send suggestions! Love • Bree 💌*

• These snaps are from Will's account🌲They are in no particular order!

*Picture of Theodore laying down next to Will*
- it's been a longggg night with this little guy 😞 teddy has a stomach bug and feels awful

*Picture of Benji styling his hair in the mirror*
- look at this big boy styling his hair all by himself! 😄

*Video of RJ pushing a shopping cart. Theodore and Coralei are sitting in the shopping cart*
Will: "Costco, here we come! We have two very happy toddlers and a happy baby!"
RJ smiles at Will while Theodore and Coralei wave at Will.
- wish us luck shopping with 3 little ones ☺️

*Boomerang of Coralei and Theodore dancing together*
- 🥰

*Video of Theodore and Coralei playing hide and go seek*
Coralei: "One, two thwree, four, five!"
Theodore runs around the living room, trying to find a hiding spot. Will giggles at Theodore trying to find a hiding spot.
Will: *whispers* "Hide Teddy! Hide!"
Theodore giggles at Will and hides
- these two love to play hide and go seek 👧🏻🧒🏻

*Picture of Theodore's bed head*
- teddy has crazy bed head 😂🧒🏻

*Picture of Will taking a selfie in the bathroom*
- good morning ☀️

*Video of Benji loosing a tooth*
Will: "Let me see, bubba!"
Benji shows off his very loose tooth.
RJ: "Do you want me to pull it out?"
Benji: "No, I got it Papi and Daddy!"
Benji pulls out the loose tooth and Will and RJ cheer
Will: "Woah! That's awesome buddy!"
- another loose tooth is gone! 🦷

*Picture of Benji and Coralei doing a dog filter*
- 🐶 woof woof 🐶

*Picture of Benji painting Coralei's nails*
- coralei loves her bubba 💅🏻

*Picture of Coralei using a Snapchat flower filter*
- my flower princess 👑

*Picture of RJ with Benji and Coralei working on homework. RJ is also holding Harlow*
- saw this and about died. look how cute 😭

*Picture of Benji doing a back flip*
- benji loves to do back flips 🤸🏻‍♂️

*Picture of Will sitting on the couch with RJ and Theodore sleeping on the left side of him and Harlow sleeping on his chest. Coralei is sleeping on the right side of him*
- i wish i can fall asleep too 😴

*Picture of Will, Benji, RJ, Coralei and Theodore organizing laundry on the floor*
- this is what we do as a family - organize our huge pile laundry 😂

*Video of Benji, Coralei and Theodore playing on their playground*
- ☀️ it's so beautiful out today ☀️

*Picture of Harlow sleeping next to Will in bed*
- please don't grow up, baby girl 👶🏻

*Video of Benji playing with his hover board*
Will: "Be careful, bub."
Benji: "I will, Daddy!"
- his favorite birthday present ☺️

*Video of Dobby sniffing Harlow in her swing*
Will: "Aww, Dobby. You love sissy?"
Dobby looks up at Will and then he happily sniffs Harlow again
- dobby loves baby harlow 🐶👶🏻

*Picture of Will and RJ*
- date night 🥰😍😘

*Video of Benji building a LEGO set*
Will: "That looks really great, bubba!"
Benji: "Thank you, Daddy!"
Will: "You're welcome! I can't wait to see it when it's done!"
- my little LEGO builder 👷🏻‍♂️

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