instagram captions #13

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*Another Instagram captions oneshot because I need ideas for this book 😭 Please send suggestions! Love • Bree 💌*

• These are going to be from Will's account🌲They are in no particular  order!
own your happiness. 🌿☀️🌧
dad to four kids, benjamin, coralei, theodore & harlow 🧒🏻👧🏻👦🏻👶🏻

*Picture of Harlow and Dobby. Harlow is laying by Dobby and is playing with his ear*
- harlow loves dobby so much. this makes my heart melt so much 🐶❤️👶🏻

*Picture of Will at work. He is standing with his co-workers and they are drinking Starbucks*
- goooooooooooogle fun ❤️💛💚💙

*Picture of Benji playing with his iPhone*
- rj and I may have gotten our seven year old a iPhone of his own 😬 it's only just to text us when he's on the bus, when he's at a friends house or soccer practice really. bubba loves it so that's all that matters 😇

*Picture of Dobby smiling at Will. Dobby is sitting on the grass*
- look at this cute face 🐶😍

*Picture of Coralei sitting on her bed and she is hugging her mermaid pillow*
- coralei loves her new mermaid themed bedroom 💙🧜🏻‍♀️💜

*Picture of shirtless Will in the mirror. He is wearing sweatpants*
- I finally got my pre-pregnancy body back ☺️

*Picture of Theodore sitting on a tiny potty*
- somebody is officially potty trained! so proud of teddy! 😇

*Picture of Will and Benji taking a mirror selfie together*
- benji is literally almost my height and he is only seven. STOP GROWING!

*Picture of Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow sitting on Will and RJ's bed. They are wearing matching pajamas*
- kids gratitude post.
benjamin, coralei, theodore and harlow, you four are the most amazing kids I know. I just wanna say that you four have made me the man I am today. I am so lucky to be able to be your dad and I am so lucky to able to call the four of y'all my kiddos.
love you 😍

*Picture of Harlow sitting on the floor with a boppy pillow behind her*
- baby girl is getting so big. look at her sitting up unassisted 😭 the pillow is there so if she falls she won't get hurt ♥️

*Picture of Benji and Coralei hugging each other*
- these two have such a close bond it's so freaking sweet 👧🏻🧒🏻😙

*Picture of Will holding a bouquet of red, pink and white roses. Will is smiling and is sniffing them*
- thank you, RJ ♥️

*Picture of Dobby, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow sitting together. The kids are all wearing Valentine's Day outfits*
- my five little valentine's 🐶🧒🏻👧🏻👦🏻👶🏻

*Picture of Benji and Coralei sitting on the floor together. They have Valentine's Day cards and candy all over the floor*
- benji and coralei are opening up all of their valentine's from their classmates ♥️♥️

*Picture of RJ and Will at Cheesecake Factory together*
- our annual cheesecake valentine's day dinner together 💌🥗

*Picture of Will's legs and the tv. You can also see Harlow's little feet*
- when babe takes the older three kids out so you are home alone with the baby and you can watch Will and Grace 🥰

*Picture of Benji and Theodore. Benji is holding Theodore's hands and Theodore is smiling*
- my boys are so handsome and precious 🧒🏻👦🏻💙

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