what benji remembers

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*Benji vlogs and talks about his mom. I hope you guys enjoy! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 💚

Today is Saturday! Will, RJ, Theodore and Coralei are still asleep. Benji is awake and has grabbed the vlogging camera from Will's night stand.

"Hi, camera! I'm the first one up! Here's Dobby!" Benji says as he films Dobby running around.

Benji opens the screen door and let's Dobby outside. Benji and Dobby run around and Benji vlogs it.

"Dobby! Let's go inside and play!" Benji says as he and Dobby walk in the house.

Benji opens the one drawer on the TV stand and finds the picture of his mom that he can look at whenever he wants.

"Here's a picture of my Mommy! My Daddy and Papi keep it in here for me." Benji says as he shows the camera his mom.

"I remember my Mommy a lot! She was so pretty. Her hair was really long and my color! She used to sing a lot of songs with me and help me sleep. We used to eat pizza together and her pizza was so yummy and good! Mommy took shots like the doctor gives you and she slept a lot. I miss my Mommy but I'm so happy I have a Daddy and Papi!" Benji says as he smiles.

Benji films Dobby and himself sitting together and watching a show on Netflix.

RJ walks down the steps with Theodore.

"Hi, Papi! Hi, Teddy!" Benji says as he smiles at RJ.

"Good morning! Have you and Dobby been vlogging?" RJ asks Benji.

"Uh huh! We have been vlogging and running around!" Benji says as RJ begins to change Theodore's diaper.

Benji films RJ and Theodore together. RJ is sitting on the floor.

"Hi, Teddy! His hair is messy!" Benji says making RJ laugh.

RJ smiles at Theodore and Theodore looks up at RJ.

RJ blows on Theodore's stomach and little and Theodore smiles.

After fixing Theodore's outfit, RJ places him on his play mat for tummy time.

Theodore lifts his head up and looks at RJ.

"Hi, Teddy bear! Hi! Do you see Dobby and bubba?" RJ says in a babyfied voice.

Theodore looks around and coos.

"Hi, Theodore!" Benji says as Theodore looks at him.

"He looking at you!" RJ says as Benji giggles.

After a few minutes, Theodore gets fussy and tired of tummy time.

"Okay, baby boy. Tummy time is over." RJ says as he kisses Theodore's cheek.

Will walks down the steps with a fussy Coralei.

"Daddy!" Benji says as he face lights up.

"Hey, bubba! Hey, babe." Will says as he kisses Benji's head then kisses RJ.

"There's my baby boy. Did he have fun doing tummy time?" Will asks RJ.

"He did really good! He likes when you sit with him and look at him." RJ says.

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