dentist time

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*Benji goes to the dentist! Send suggestions on what you want to see. Enjoy! Love • Bree 🏳️‍🌈

"Good morning, guys! Today is Tuesday. I am cooking pancakes for my hubby and baby boy. I am baby wearing Coralei, so Will can rest a little bit more. Coralei has been fed and she is just sleeping." RJ says as he films Coralei sleeping on him.

Will is now awake and is about to eat breakfast

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Will is now awake and is about to eat breakfast. Will films his breakfast and smiles.

"Woke up to my man making me pancakes. I love him so so much." Will says as he kisses RJ. "Eeee! I love you too." RJ says happily.

Benji walks into the dining room. "Hey bubba, good morning." RJ says as he kisses Benji's cheek. "Good morning! Papi made some pancakes, do you want some?" Will asks Benji.

"Yeah! I'm hungry!" Benji says as he sits next to Will. RJ puts a napkin on Benji's shirt just incase he makes a mess. Will cuts up Benji's pancakes in small pieces.

"Daddy, Papi, did Coralei eat?" Benji asks RJ and Will. "Yes, she did bubba. She's sleeping now." RJ says happily.

"Where are we going today?" Benji asks RJ and Will. "You are going to the dentist today." Will says and Benji gets sad, not wanting to go.

"Everything is going to be fine, okay? I promise you." RJ says as he wipes Benji's mouth. "Okay." Benji says softly.

Will cleans up from breakfast and gets Coralei ready, while RJ gets Benji ready.

"RJ is getting Benji dressed and I am just waiting with Coralei. This is the first time taking Benji to the dentist. I am so nervous. Benji's caseworker said when she took him, he screamed and cried. I'm hoping he doesn't do that. I'm hoping we have a good visit." Will says as Benji and RJ walk down the steps.

"Let's get our shoes on and head out." RJ says as he picks up Coralei's car seat. Will, Benji, Coralei and RJ get into the car and head to the dentist.

Benji, RJ, Will and Coralei sit in the waiting room until Benji's name gets called.

"Dr. Quincy wants to get a few x-rays of Benjamin's mouth to see if he has any cavities or anything else going on. My name is Jessica by the way." The dental assistant says. RJ walks into the x-ray area with Benji.

"I'm gonna stay right here, bubba." RJ says with a smile. Jessica sits Benji in the chair and gets it set up.

"I am going to put this on you, okay? Just to protect you. I am just going to take a few pictures of your mouth and pretty teeth." Jessica says with a smile. Benji smiles as he sits down in the x-ray seat.

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