snapchat #4

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*Send on suggestions on what you wanna see! I hope you guys enjoy this! Love • Bree 🖤

• These snaps are from Will's account🌲They are in no typical order!

*Video of Theodore doing tummy time. He is looking at Will*
Will: "Hi, Teddy! Hi, baby boy!"
Theodore coos
- This boy loves tummy time 👶🏻

*Video of RJ painting Coralei's toenails*
Will: "Ooo, what color is Papi painting your nails?"
Coralei: "Pink!"
RJ: "Good girl!"
- RJ loves to spoil our princess 💅🏻

*Picture of Will at work*
- Workkkk 😜

*Video of Coralei running around and being chased by RJ*
Coralei giggles loudly as she runs around the couch
RJ grabs Coralei and she laughs loudly
- These two are so adorable together 👨‍👧

*Picture of Benji wearing a shirt that says "Adoption is awesome"
- Adoption is awesome 😎

*Picture of Coralei and Theodore together. Coralei is kissing Theodore's cheek*
- My little ones 👧🏻👶🏻

*Picture of Will and RJ in bed*
- Sleepy parents 😴

*Video of Benji holding Theodore in his lap and then Coralei is sitting next to him*
Will: "What are you reading bud?"
Benji: "I am reading Winnie the Pooh!"
- 😭😭😭

*Video of Coralei sitting with Theodore*
Coralei: "Baby! Wuv you baby!"
Coralei rubs Theodore's head and kisses it
Will: "Aw, that's so sweet, Coralei!"
- Coralei loves her baby brother 😘

*Picture of Benji and Coralei cuddling Dobby*
- Disney movie night 🎬

*Picture of RJ feeding Theodore*
- Woke up to these cuties being up 👨‍👦

*Picture of Benji and Kinley*
- Benji and his bff Kinley ☺️👫

*Picture of Coralei sleeping*
- She has been taking a long nap! Definitely a growth spurt happening 😊👧🏻💤

*Video of Dobby with Theodore*
Will: "Dobby loves the smell of baby powder."
Will giggles
- Dobby loves babies 🐶👶🏻

*Video of Will and RJ eating ice cream*
Will: "Ice cream date night with my hubby."
RJ smiles and waves
RJ: "Kids are asleep! Yay!"
Will giggles
- 🍨🍨

*Picture of Will, Theodore in his lap, Coralei on RJ's lap and Benji*
- Florida! Here we come! ✈️

*Video of Theodore sleeping*
- Baby boy has been doing great on his first flight!

*Picture of Benji, Coralei and Theodore*
- Beach day with our families!

*Picture of all the Mother's Day cards*
- Benji made me, my mom, RJ's mom, my grandma and his mom Mother's Day cards 😭💕

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