55 - Max Verstappen

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Requested by madmaxstan

Sargeants_Wife Garrixer_06 luminousmoonlight lbushey madmaxstan

55: "I'm so scared."

You expected to be feeling overjoyed when yourself and your boyfriend, Max went public with your relationship as it meant that you would finally be able to act like a proper couple in public, however, things were completely different to how you expected they were going to be. This particular day was the same day which not only Max made the announcement on Instagram, but also the day when you were making your first public appearance as a couple. From the moment the two of you were out on the street, it became clear to you that you had been looking forward to this moment way too much, Max ruining it for you because of how territorial he was becoming.

"Max! You don't need to pull me closer to you just because there are other men around," you snapped under your breath as Max curled an arm tightly around your waist, forcefully pulling you into his side as he death glared a man who was looking in your direction.

It seemed as though your words had completely gone over the top of Max's head since he continued to do the exact same thing whenever other men were near, Max even eventually beginning to let out agitated sighs under his breath as he realised that the eyes of every man around seemed to be on you, many giving you polite, warm smiles as they admired your beauty.

"We're going back to my apartment. I don't need anymore air," Max eventually spoke up as he turned on his heel, taking one of your hands in his as you let out a gasp of surprise since he was slightly dragging you along and you were struggling to keep up with him.

The two of you didn't say a word to each other until a short while later when Max was slamming the front door of his apartment behind you both. He slammed his fist into the coffee table in front of you both once he had thrown himself back onto the sofa beside of you, causing your heart to sink because you hated to see him so frustrated.

"I don't know why people now suddenly feel the need to stare at you all of the time!" He snapped agitatedly through gritted teeth. "It's like since they've found out we're together, they suddenly find you even more attractive. I don't know how any of them think they can stand a chance of stealing my girl!"

You hesitated for a second due to Max's rage, but soon threaded your arm through his, you soothingly gliding your fingertips over the exposed skin underneath of the sleeve of his shirt. This sensation caused the edges of his lips to curl up into a small smile, before he let out a deflated sigh, realising that your touch alone wasn't going to stop the worries which were building up inside of him.

"Is that what's bothering you? Do you think if other men are interested, I'm going to want to be with someone else?" You asked in amazement, you feeling astonished that Max was experiencing the same worries about you as you had him since he was the one who was the F1 world champion with an army of girls who would kill to be with him.

"No!" Max initially scoffed as if the idea was ridiculous, before his expression softened as his eyes filled with sorrow. "Maybe... Okay, fine, yes. The truth is- no, I'm going to sound stupid... The truth is, I'm so scared of one of these other men winning you over."

You tried your best, but failed to stop your mouth from hanging slightly agape because this was behaviour which you would never expect from Max since he always had such a hard exterior and wouldn't often allow you to see his weaknesses.

"No matter how much attention I get from other men, you'll always be the one for me, Max," you replied reassuringly, taking both of his hands in yours, which forced a tiny smile to appear across his lips. "I'm not with you because of your looks, I'm not with you because of your money or because you're an F1 world champion, but I'm with you because of your amazing personality, because of how loved and special you always manage to make me feel."

Those words were exactly what Max needed to hear, it seeming as if all of his worries had completely vanished at you because he beamed at you due to the realisation that he was doing, what he considered to be his job, right.

"Rather than appearing aggressive in public, just enjoy the time we're spending together and don't give other guys a second thought because they're not the ones who are important," you added comfortingly, before you let out a gasp of surprise seconds later as Max's lips collided with your own in a heated kiss.

This was a very pleasant surprise though and neither of you hesitated to deepen it, the two of you wrapping your arms tightly around each other as you held the other as closely to yourself as you were able.

"I'll always be protective over you, but I promise that in future, that will only be when necessary," said Max warmly as the two of you held each other at arms length.

The two of you then leaned back on the sofa, Max wrapping an arm securely around your shoulders as you snuggled your head into his chest, the two of you spending the rest of the day like this as you filled each other's ears with loving sweet nothings, giving nothing or no one else a second thought.

F1,F2 and F3 One Shots Book 9 (REQUESTS CLOSED) Where stories live. Discover now