23 - Max Fewtrell

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Requested by magdi_the_koala


23: "You're not well, let me take care of you."

You may have been feeling completely fine the night before, but the second your eyes began to flicker open that morning, you immediately let out a groan under your breath as you became aware of your pounding headache. The second you attempted to sit up, the bedroom of yourself and your boyfriend, Max started to spin, causing you to immediately flop back down again, turning onto your stomach and burying your face into your pillow to apply some pressure to your head. You felt slightly better as you allowed yourself to relax, you briefly making the decision to try to go back to sleep, but it was once your eyes were growing heavy, that your body shot bolt upright as you remembered just how much work you needed to do that say. You rushed to swing your legs over the edge of your bed, but when you attempted to stand, you realised just how little energy you had, you being unable to remember the last time you felt this dreadful.

"What do you think you're doing?" Max asked you sternly from the doorway as you attempted to get to your feet for the second time, this causing startling you because you hadn't realised that your bedroom door had been opened. "You look awful, Y/N. You need to rest."

The edges of your lips curled up into a small smile at the reminder of just how much Max cared about you, but your expression hardened as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders in an attempt to help you to lay down onto your back.

"I can't rest. I've got so much work to do," you replied firmly, trying your best to fight against Max's grasp, but he was way too strong for you, leaving you with no choice but to lay down.

"I only let you sleep through your alarm because I noticed how unwell you looked when I was getting up," said Max sweetly as he perched on your edge of the bed with his arm remaining around you. "You can't possibly work when you're like this. You're not well, let me take care of you."

You may have let out a few grumbles of protest at first because of how much you didn't want to let any of your colleagues down by missing all of the meetings which were scheduled, but Max wasn't having any of it, repeatedly reassuring you that everyone would understand because no one would expect you to do anything in such a state.

"If you listen tome, I'll make you some of my hot chocolate that you love so much, I'll snuggle with you all day and we can watch anything you want," Max promised affectionately, a broad smile spreading across your lips as he felt your body relax against him.

"Fine, but you're going to regret saying that," you replied playfully as Max pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.

Due to how much he didn't want to leave you, once Max had reached your bedroom door, he turned to face you as his eyes lingered on you, Max not wanting to let you out of his sight, but not wanting to voice out loud just how concerned he was about you because he knew you would soon get better and that there would be nothing to worry about.

"Considering I'm only going to be a few minutes, I'm going to miss you way too much," Max mumbled under his breath as he gazed at you lovingly, internally begging that you wouldn't have heard him.

"Me too, but you don't need to be embarrassed to admit it," you replied softly, wanting to call down to him as he began to make his way downstairs, but not having the energy to raise your voice.

Max may have been rushing your hot chocolate downstairs because of how much he wanted to return to you, but once he brought it up to you, it tasted even better than you could remember. Max let out a few warm chuckles at the sight of you licking a small amount of cream off your top lip as he made his way around to your side of the bed. After he had gotten beneath the covers with you, he wrapped an arm loosely around your shoulders whilst you were drinking, but then when you placed your hot chcolate down onto your bedside table, he tightened his arm around you as he pulled your head down into the crook of his neck.

"Do I want to know what you're going to make me watch?" Max asked with slight disappointment, but trying to hide it because he wasn't going to go back on his promise.

However, he quickly came to regret it as you picked one of your favourite chick flicks, a film which Max couldn't stand. Usually when he would watch it, time would feel as if it would have massively slowed down, but on this occasion, he didn't mind it so much because he was paying more attention to you than he was on the film, Max continuously asking you if you were alright and if you needed anything.

"There's nothing I need other than for you to stay right there. No actually, you could play with my hair. That always helps me to relax," you responded when Max had asked you for the final time.

Max then began to run his fingers soothingly through your hair, this always sending you to sleep within a matter of minutes, which Max didn't complain about in the slightest because he knew that you couldn't feel awful whilst you were sleeping. Even though you were out like a light, Max still filled your ears with sweet nothings, wanting you to know just how much he loved you and that he would always take care of you even if you were unable to hear him.

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