636,642 - Dennis Hauger

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Requested by trotterkylie

Sargeants_Wife jadnhossler925

Social anxiety

636: "Carry me. Please."

642: "I'd much rather stay home with you than go to the party."

Laying on your bed deep in thought that afternoon, you let out a shaky deep breath as you were very much aware that the hours to the Red Bull junior party which yourself and your boyfriend, Dennis were supposed to be attended ticked down. It was because of this, that you knew you needed to say something to Dennis sooner rather than later about your nerves at the thought of the party, but you were experiencing very conflicting emotions about this because you knew how much he loved these parties and how disappointed he would be when he found out that you didn't want to go. However, the decision making process was cut short for you as your deep thoughts were interrupted by Dennis entering your bedroom, perching on the edge of the bed beside you.

"Is everything alright, babe? You haven't seemed to be yourself all day," Dennis asked you with concern, the edges of your lips curling up into a small smile as he pushed some hair gently back off your forehead.

"No, I'm completely fine," you replied dismissively, sitting up and being ready to crawl around Dennis to be able to get off the bed, but just as you were about to swing your legs over the edge, you let out a deflated sigh because you reminded yourself of how much you valued honesty and therefore didn't want to lie to Dennis. "Alright, fine. Everything isn't alright. I'm just going to be honest and upfront with you. "I'd much rather stay home with you than go to the party."

As you spoke, you flopped yourself back down onto the bed, turning over onto your side to face Dennis once more, before you let out a shaky deep breath at the thought of Dennis' reaction. You had been in one previous relationship before him and whenever you would talk to your ex about how anxious you would become in social situations, such as when you were about to meet his family, he would always snap at you, telling you that you were being unreasonable and as well as you knew Dennis, your past experiences made you fear that he was going to be the same.

"Please don't be angry with me. I know how much you love spending time with your friends, but the thought of meeting them makes me feel terrified. I'm just not ready for that yet," you added quickly as your heart began to pummel against your chest.

Your breathing was quickly starting to become erratic at the thought of Dennis' reaction, but you were soon letting out a sigh of relief as he took both of your hands in his, smiling lovingly down at you.

"Yes, I do enjoy those parties. They're a good laugh, but you're my priority, Y/N, not them," responded Dennis affectionately as his thumbs began to soothingly caress your knuckles. "I couldn't make you feel forced into going somewhere you don't want to. I wouldn't be enjoying myself if I knew that you weren't and because of that, the thought of us staying home and spending some quality time together seems so much more appealing. How about we go downstairs, snuggle on the sofa and binge watch something on Netflix?"

As much as you loved the sound of that, now that you were able to relax, you were feeling too comfortable to move from where you were laying.

"That sounds lovely, but carry me. Please," you practically begged Dennis due to how content you were in your current position.

Dennis had no objections, the Norwegian delicately taking you bridal style into his arms as he carried you downstairs into your living room, Dennis peppering the top of your head with soft kisses as he did. You were feeling even more at ease in his arms and since you remined in his arms, sitting on his lap, once you were on the sofa, you soon found your eyes growing heavy, you falling asleep minutes into the first episode of the show which you had chosen and once you had, Dennis gazed down at you affectionately, his heart melting because of how adorable he found you whilst you were sleeping.

F1,F2 and F3 One Shots Book 9 (REQUESTS CLOSED) Where stories live. Discover now