281 - Sebastian Vettel

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Requested by patylovesf1

281: "Our age gap doesn't put me off in the slightest."

When yourself and your partner, Seb first got together, thee two of you never thought anything of your ten year age gap because of how insignificant it was to you both. However, it was when you started to attend race weekends with him, that things changed massively because of how much the media would try to get involved with your relationship. You hated the amount of articles which were surfacing about yourself and Seb, all of them focusing on your age gap and saying that your relationship wouldn't last because you would surely want very different things in life, the media portraying Seb to correctly be the family man which he was, but saying that you were looking for nothing more than for a bit of fun and your five minutes of fame.

It was currently the final day of testing in Bahrain and as yourself and Seb entered the paddock, you noticed that he just didn't seem to be himself. He was being very quiet and reserved and was showing you no affection when the two of you would always be touching each other in some discrete way. During the walk from your car to his motorhome, Seb didn't say a word, causing you to have massive concerns as he closed the door of his motorhome behind you, you beginning to fear that Seb was starting to believe what he had been reading every single day for the past six months.

"I'm really sorry about everything you've been going through lately," he eventually spoke up softly as he sat beside you, your heart sinking as you looked up ar him to notice that tears were bubbling up in his eyes. "I know how much you've been hating the attention, hating how everyone is always staring at you and muttering about you in the paddock, so I thought it would be best for you if I gave you your space."

At first, you were slightly disappointed because you thought that this was just Seb explaining why he hadn't been acting as if he was in a relationship with you so far that day, but the sight of him being unable to prevent his tears from trickling down his cheeks caused your mouth to hang slightly agape at the realisation of exactly what he meant.

"Space? And you don't just mean for the rest of our time here, do you?" You asked with worry, your voice starting to shake as your own tears started to roll down your cheeks. "If that's what you meant, you wouldn't be so upset. You want to leave me, don't you? You're starting to believe that I'm not serious about us, aren't you?"

"I'm doing this for your own good, Y/N. I don't believe any of the negative articles I've been reading about you, but I do get what they're saying when they say you should be enjoying yourself, rather than being tied down," replied Seb quietly, lowering his head as he was rapidly blinking away his tears. "I don't want to leave you, Y/N. I love you. It's just that you don't deserve to be treated the way you have been by the media. I'll do anything if it'll means that'll stop and the only way is if we go our separate ways before it becomes even harder for us to do so."

Your heart shattered as Seb got to his feet, your voice failing to escape as you watched Seb making his way to the door of his motorhome, you only managing to speak up at the last second just as he was leaving, being about to close it behind himself.

"Seb! Wait!" You called out with desperation, you having never been more relieved than you were when he turned around to face you, closing the door behind him. "Our age gap doesn't put me off in the slightest. Of course it hurts to read the things which are written about me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up on us so easily. I love you too and because of this, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be with you. The most important thing to me is that you know how serious I am about us and that I don't just want pleasure and fame. I don't care what outsiders think about us."

Those words 'our age gap doesn't put me off in the slightest' were exactly what Seb needed to hear, a broad smile spreading across his lips as he made his way back over to sit beside you. Your words had reminded him just how mature you were, not that he ever doubted that, and that you were as serious about him as he was you.

"It means everything that you're not willing to give up," replied Seb affectionately as he took both of your hands in his, before he filled with guilt. "And I'm so sorry if I just made it seem as though I was giving up. I wasn't and I never would. It's just that I thought it would have been what you would have wanted. I was stupid and irrational to decide what I thought was best for you like that. Can we forget that happened and just continue as we were, not caring about what anyone else thinks about us?"

Those words were exactly what you wanted to hear more than anything and because of this, you didn't hesitate to agree. When yourself and Seb left his motorhome, he didn't hesitate to reach over and take one of your hands in his, the two of you entwining your fingers as you beamed at each other. You may have gotten the usual repulsed looks, but yourself and Seb didn't allow this to phase you in the slightest because the most important thing was that you made each other happier beyond belief, neither of you being willing to give into the jealousy of those around you any longer.

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