607 - Dennis Hauger

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Requested by Naylay34

Sargeants_Wife jadnhossler925

607: "You wrote me a love letter?"

Rolling your eyes as you let out a small sigh of annoyance under your breath, you were unable to prevent the edges of your lips from curling into a small smile at your Prema F2 teammate, Dennis' request. Whilst the two of you had been standing outside of his motorhome in the paddock for the past few minutes, he had repeatedly asked you if you would help him to analyse his data and as much as you didn't want to do this since you had your own to analyse, you found yourself feeling as though you were unable to deny him as always at the thought of how you would be helping the man who you become a great friend of yours over the season. Your smile grew wider as Dennis' eyes enthusiastically lit up once you had agreed to help, you feeling nowhere near as cheerful as he did as he lead you into his motorhome, you dragging your feet unenthusiastically as you walked. You made the disapproval in your next sigh known this time at the sight of just how many sheets of data there were on Dennis' desk once you were inside, you knowing that by the time you had helped him as well as finished your own, that you would be having a very late night.

"Come on, Y/N. It won't be that bad. At least we'll be spending time together," he said sweetly, the small smile that had spread across your lips once more refusing to fade at the sound of Dennis' warm words.

Due to your concentration, yourself and Dennis spent the next while in silence and it was as the minutes ticked by that you couldn't help but notice that Dennis was becoming increasingly nervous, it taking him longer to get through an individual sheet whilst his sweaty palms were clasped tightly together underneath his desk.

"Is something wrong?" You eventually asked him with concern as he let out a shaky deep breath just as you had picked up your next sheet, you not yet noticing what was underneath it.

"Maybe you should give that sheet to me and get the next one," Dennis replied softly under his breath, Dennis holding his breath with anticipation as you raised your eyebrows in confusion whilst doing what he had asked.

It was when you put your sheet down that you realised the next one wasn't a sheet at all. It was in fact an envelope and as you picked it up and brought it closer to your eyes, you noticed that your name was written on it. Your confusion grew as you opened it, especially when you read the first line, which immediately made you aware that this letter wasn't a professional one in relation to work.

"'To my dearest Y/N'" you read under your breath with a slight laugh, being in disbelief of the words which you were reading, you needing to blink twice to make sure you were reading them right. "'I really hope you don't hate me for not having the courage to confess my feelings to you in person, but the truth is, I'm falling for you..."

You felt more giggles rising at the word you, you finding the idea of having a secret admirer amusing, but as you continued to read the next words, those being 'and I have been ever since we became teammates', you clapped your hands tightly over your mouth at the sudden realisation that your secret admirer was Dennis.

"You wrote me a love letter?!" You exclaimed in amazement, your heart melting as an enormous smile spread across your lips.

Dennis shyly nodded as he lowered his head, the Norwegian dreading your reaction, but his head shot up as you flung your arms tightly around his neck, Dennis beaming at you as your reaction told him that you felt exactly the same.

"That's the sweetest thing that anyone's ever done for me!" You continued appreciatively as the two of you held each other at arms length. "You really shouldn't have been nervous to confess your feelings because there have been many times where I've thought about how amazing we would be together, but of course I'd never hate you for it."

Dennis may have wanted so much more, but he settled with leaning in and pressing a gentle peck to your lips, Dennis wanting it to be so much deeper, but not wanting to get ahead of himself since he once again thought that he may want something which you didn't. It was because of this, that you were the one to deepen the kiss as yourself and Dennis pressed your bodies close to the other's once more.

"I've been waiting to ask you this for way too long, but Y/N, will you finally be my girlfriend?" Dennis asked you hopefully as his pupils dilated.

"Of course I will!" You replied joyfully, before Dennis captured your lips in a passionate kiss, not hesitating to initiate it this time.

A short while later, the two of you decided that the rest of your data could wait a while because you couldn't wait to share your love with the rest of the paddock, Dennis slipping his hand into yours, the two of you entwining your fingers as you began to stroll down the paddock, everyone being shocked at the sight of the two of you, but also overjoyed, many people commenting on how much of an adorable couple you were.

F1,F2 and F3 One Shots Book 9 (REQUESTS CLOSED) Where stories live. Discover now