519 - Daniel Ricciardo

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Requested by AnaOliveira003

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519: "It's only a small cut/bruise. You don't need to fuss this much."

Your boyfriend, Daniel may have had a terrible start to the 2022 season with very little positives, if any at all to take away from the first two race weekends, but knowing that he would arrive home shortly, you had a sudden surge of enthusiasm as you were cooking him his favourite meal. You could only imagine how deflated he was going to be once he walked through the door, but your broad smile was spread across your lips because of how much he always loved your cooking and how you knew he would consider this to be a very pleasant surprise. You were humming under your breath to the music playing in the background, twirling around every now and then due to your enthusiasm, but you only realised just how much you were lacking concentration on the task at hand when you suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through your index finger, you looking down to realise that your knife had left a small cut. You swore under your breath as you rushed to turn around, ready to rush to grab some kitchen role to minimise the bleeding, but just as you were about to dash over to the other side of the kitchen, you froze as you noticed that Daniel was darting towards you after having previously been standing in the doorway.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" Daniel asked you frantically once he had reached you, taking your hand in his. "Let me see."

Daniel's expression overflowed with worry at the sight of your cut as he looked between it and the role of kitchen role as he debated with himself what the best course of action would be.

"Of course it's stinging like mad, but let me clean it up," you replied as you were about to take a few more steps to grab some kitchen roll.

"Do you want me to quickly run and buy some plasters? We don't have any, do we?" Responded Daniel with panic as he brought your hand closer to his face to be able to get a better look at your cut. "You don't need stitches, do you? Do you think you might need to go to hospital?"

Part of you was becoming slightly irritated by how much Daniel was overthinking this, but you were unable to prevent the edges of your lips from curling up into a small smile as you reminded yourself that Daniel was only showing you just how much he cared about you.

"Plasters will be fine. It's not a very deep cut," you replied with a small chuckle of amusement. "It's only a small cut. You don't need to fuss this much."

You were finally able to get to the kitchen role as Daniel suddenly rushed towards the front door to go and buy you some plasters, seemingly completely ignoring your words. When you had dabbed at the tiny amount of blood on your finger, you realised just how minor your cut was because it had completely stopped bleeding and you could barely see it, but that didn't stop Daniel from treating your finger as if it was broken when he arrived home because you had never experienced someone so delicately wrapping a plaster around your finger before.

"So, are you finally going to stop worrying and let me continue preparing the food?" You asked Daniel as you were making your way back over to your chopping board. "I'm making your favourite."

"You know how much I love your cooking, but you can't do that!" Responded Daniel with protest as he picked the knife up and held it out of your reach before you were able to grab onto it. "I think you should take it easy for the rest of the day."

As extremely unnecessary as you considered this to be, you didn't complain in the slightest whilst you got to relax as Daniel took over with the cooking and even though he may have been a bit too concerned about you, part of him was thankful for the way he continued to fuss over you for the rest of the day because at least it brought a broad smile to his face and stopped him from dwelling on how awful his first two race weekends of the season had been.

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