38. Chris Evans | Not A Player Anymore

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By : multific | Tumblr

Chris Evans x Reader

Summary: You knew he was a player, yet you fell for him, that was the first mistake. The second was that you actually made yourself believe that if you stay by his side, he'd notice and learn to love you.

Warning: Swearing, Angst

Chris was a player.

He loved the attention that women gave him. He had a different woman in his bed every night, sometimes even two.

And you, being his best friend had to be there for him. Even if it broke your heart.

You always wanted more than just friendship with him, when he wasn't flirting with someone, he was the sweetest and most genuine person you have ever met. He always made you laugh and was kind to you.

You remember that in the beginning, before you knew about his lifestyle, you really tried to win him over and to become his girlfriend. You saw potential in him, he was an amazing uncle, he was good with animals and had the sweetest laugh. But that image of him crumbled when you went to the club with him Mackie and Sebastian. Sebastian told you everything about Chris and after a few shots, maybe a bit too much.

The once sweet, caring, handsome man became a player, unreliable mess. Although you never told him that.

And you don't really know why you stayed after the fact. Maybe it was his blue eyes and his smile that convinced you to stay and be his friend.

And that you became one of his best as a matter of fact. He often came to you when he had problems or in need of advice. He often came to you when he was bored or needed to spend some time with someone.

He became that shameless friend who would make you come to his place, just so he can pretend that you are his wife so his one night stand would leave quicker.

It always broke your heart, both to see him with someone else and to know that it was normal to him. You remember one time he called you over because the girl he picked up the night before didn't want to leave since she thought that it was more than a one night. When you got over there she yelled at him and in the end, she slapped you in the face. Of course, Chris apologized and tried to do everything to make it up to you.

And you don't really know why you stayed after that.

Maybe it was the love that you began to feel for him. A hopeless one-sided love. You always wondered what will be the last straw. The last thing that he can do that will make you completely forget about him or that will make you confess everything for him.

You didn't have to wait long though.

After three long years of friendship, three long years of you hoping for something that will never happen, he did it.

He managed to fuck up so badly, that it made you both yell your feelings at his face while leaving him behind forever.

You called him after a long day at work, you were desperate for some movie with him and a little alcohol and chocolate maybe, a nice relaxing day after a horrible and stressful week of work.

Of course he agreed and you headed to his place after work.

Since you knew were given a key to his place, you quickly walked in and you immediately heart the undeniable sounds of sex. Moaning, groaning and skin slapping against skin.

It wasn't the first time you came over while he was with someone, but this time, you were pissed.

You talked to him about how tired you were. He promised a day where it was only you two and that bottle of wine you just brought. You heard the woman moan out his name and you thought you recognized it, but you were so full of anger, without even taking your shoes or jacket off, you stormed into the house and to his bedroom. They obviously heard you since you stormed down like a horde of buffalos would.

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