105. Jake Gyllenhaal | The Fight

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By : spideyrights | Tumblr

summary: you and jake have a very big fight resulting in tears, walking out and broken hearts

"Listen I am trying my best here, I'm not used to this kind of thing." Jake's voice is steady and reserved though somewhat pleading as he follows your frantic pace around the kitchen as you tidy away things which don't even need tidying, trying to distract yourself from the bubbling argument at hand.

"What kind of thing, Jake?" You ask sharply, frustration evident in your tone. "A...long term, live in kind of relationship."

"That doesn't mean you can just up and leave whenever you want Jake." You finally burst, your voice cracking as it raises unexpectedly. Jake is almost stunned into silence. He's never ever heard you raise your voice, not just at him but at anyone. "I-I-I just-"

"You what? Imagine what it was like for me coming home expecting to see my 'boyfriend' after a hard day and all I find is a note saying you need some space. I couldn't even contact you, I didn't know what I did, I thought I-"

"Sweetheart it wasn't you, it was never about you." He attempts to ease your anger by stepping closer to you, cupping your face in his two hands, ignoring the pain that shot through him at the air quotes you emphasised around boyfriend. You pushed his hands away without any hesitation. "You can't just leave me whenever you feel like it Jake."

Now irritated by the raised voices and your rejection of his affection, Jake grew slightly more annoyed. "Well I'm sorry (Y/N) but that's who I am. I go off the grid sometimes. You knew that about me when we started dating, actually, if I'm correct you said it was refreshing. If you want me, you deal with all of this." As his voice grew in volume and tone became more jeering your anger levels shot up.

"Are you seriously saying that I should put up with this shit because that's just who you are?" You laugh but the humour in it is feigned and a signal to Jake that he's being ridiculous but he seems not to get that. "Yes I am saying that because you're my girlfriend, even if you put fucking air quotes around it, that is what this is okay. I'm your boyfriend, that's what you wanted."

He's shouting now and you'd be lying to say you hated it. You felt a lump grow in your throat and you internally cursed at yourself knowing that this signalled the building of tears in your eyes. You hated how you always cried during arguments so you made your best effort to control the waterworks.

"Well maybe I don't want that anymore." Your voice was low and shaking as you said it, almost like you didn't want the words to leave your lips at all. Jake's lips part in shock and his expression softens though you don't know if it's because he's noticed your tears or because he's so taken aback.

"Baby you don't mean that." His voice is a whisper now. "You said it. You said that I should deal with all of this if I want you and I can't deal with this so what does that tell you?"

He's shaking his head, like he doesn't want to believe it's true, as he inches closer and closer to you. His proximity to you is intoxicatingly close but you can't afford to lose your head any more than you already have right now. "B-but, you want me, I know you want me." It should be a statement but his voice comes out with obvious uncertainty.

"Tell me you want me." he pleads. His perfect blue eyes are red and glassy now and you refuse to look straight into them. "I-I-" He waits, hanging on each sound you make, hoping to hear those three words. I want you. You could hear it in your head but you couldn't bring yourself to say it out loud. It would just mean he'd win, he'd go back to his oblivious, reckless way and leave you as hurt as you were when he went for some stupid retreat out of the blue last week.

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