103. Tom Hardy Oneshot

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By : empounce | Tumblr

Tom Hardy x Reader

One shot

Finally! A break in your career. Your agent had just called to congratulate you on landing a significant role in the new Venom film, where you would be working alongside none other than Tom Hardy.

Even though your character wasn't quite a love interest for Tom's portrayal of Venom, you still had several scenes together and managed to form a rather playful friendship. The rest of the cast and crew joked constantly about the two of you dating, which both of you played off with laughter, but you would never admit to having developed more romantic feelings.


Several months into filming:

You step into your trailer, immediately flopping on your couch in exhaustion. Taking a deep breath, you grab a rather fluffy pillow and pull it close, feeling yourself begin to drift off almost instantly.

A loud ringing startles you awake. A groan escapes your lips as you reluctantly slide off the couch just enough to reach your phone from your bag. You answer with a somewhat annoyed "Hello?" As you manage to successfully roll back onto the couch.

"Hey love, I- oh no I've woken you haven't I?" Tom's voice sounds from the other side of the phone.

Smiling to yourself, you clutch the pillow closer to get comfy again. "It's alright Tom."

He chuckles softly, sending a shiver up your spine. "Well I just wanted to see if you'd like to join me for lunch, I ordered your favorite, but if you're tired I'll let you be."

Noticing a shadow outside your trailer, you sit up enough to peek out your window. "Tom?" You ask softly, smiling to yourself.


Moving to stand, you ready yourself to open the trailer door. "Are you standing outside my trailer?"

There's silence from the other end as he pauses briefly. "Am I- Am I at your trailer?"

You open the door, startling him as he spins to face you, two rather large take-out bags in his hand. Giggling, you hang-up the phone and step aside, allowing him in.

He sets out everything on your small table, clearly trying to hide the redness of his face.

Wrapping your arms around him from behind seems to surprise him. He stiffens slightly, but then turns to hug you back properly. "Thanks Tom. You're the best friend anyone could ask for."

He kisses the side of your head gently. "Of course, love. Anything for you."

You don't notice his smile falter at the word friend, and he doesn't quite notice the strain in your voice as you say it.


Two weeks later:

You were getting ready for a date when Tom knocked at your door. Putting in your earrings, you take one last glance in the mirror before moving to answer him.

"Hey, love- wow!" He takes a moment to look you over before stepping into the trailer, bringing you in for a hug, and then stepping back to look at you again. "Just wow. You look stunning."

Chuckling, you jokingly curtsey. "Why thank you, sir."

Heat rises in your cheeks as you notice his eyes still locked on you. You always wondered if he was just being polite, and honestly you couldn't imagine that he might ever actually have a romantic interest in you.

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