165. Tom Holland | POWER OF THE PRESS (II)

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By : peter-is-the-best-avenger | Tumblr

TWITTER MOMENTS: Confirmed: (Y/S/N) is sailing?

POPSUGAR: Underlying feelings between AVENGERS stars TOM HOLLAND and Y/N Y/L/N?

CELEBUZZ: Are Y/N and Tom dating?

PEOPLE.COM: Love is in the air for Spider-Man and Y/C/N!

BUZZFEED: Ten times Tom Holland has hinted at a relationship with Y/N Y/L/N.

DIGITAL SPY: Does this interview with 'Extra' prove that Y/N Y/L/N and Tom Holland are more than friends?

You were used to articles floating about from time to time about you and Tom. Journalists seemed to get a kick out of planting rumours among fans and watching it spread across the internet. Normally the hype would die down pretty quickly, until someone came up with more pretence, of course.

However in all your years of being in the public eye, never had you seen an influx of articles appear so quickly, all of them pertaining to the same rumour. From the same source. And somehow you didn't think that this one was going to die down.

You opened up your laptop and found an email from your producer, notifying you that the interview had gone live. Oh Really? You don't say. Above the link to the video was a message that read:

Nice work yesterday. Thank you for keeping him spoiler free. Think I'll be pairing

you two up for future interviews.

All the best,


Ignoring the possible subtext behind his message, you clicked onto the video. Normally fans were waiting weeks until interviews were released, but considering that the press tour was almost over and the premiere was fast approaching, it wasn't that surprising that Marvel would want the interviews out as quickly as possible while the demand was high.

In the few hours that the video had been online, it had already made the trending page with over 900,000 views. As the YouTube advertisement drawled on about Grammarly, you scrolled through the comments section as you waited. Heart eyes filled the white space, as did comments with timestamps to viewers' favourite parts; Every comment following the same theme.

You failed to notice it during the interview but now, with the video in front of you, you could see it. If you said that you didn't notice the looks Tom was giving you, you would be lying. The way his eyes lingered on you after you finished speaking. The sideways glances. The subtle biting of his lip. That smirk. Was he playing it up for the camera? Surely he was. Tom loved to tease his fans.

As you continued to quash his expressions, you tried to find solace in seemingly obvious reasons as to why Tom would stare at you that way. However, the more excuses your brain came up with, the more you felt your chest tighten. It was an unfamiliar feeling that was washing over you, yet it appeared to resonate with you deeply.

But how could a feeling feel so alien, yet so familiar?

A frantic blatter of knocks lifted you from your thoughts. Pausing the video, you went to the door, opening it slowly to find Tom.

"Uh, hi, Tom." You asked hesitantly, taking in his appearance with concern. He seemed apprehensive about something, but as Tom's eyes moved from you to the laptop on your bed, you realised just what that something was.

"So you saw it, then?" He huffed.

"Yep." You replied. Tom's shoulders dropped slightly as his face fell. He looked defeated, and you didn't know why.

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