81. Tom Cruise | If Ever

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By : random-imagines-blog | Tumblr

Requested by: Anonymous
Wordcount: 2318
Summary: Sometimes it feels like there's nowhere in the world you can hide.


As far as romantic cities go - Paris has absolutely nothing on Rome. When Tom had a day off of filming his new action movie, the two of you took a tour through the ancient city, hidden under hats and sunglasses of course. As much as he loved his fans, Tom didn't care much for the paparazzi. He didn't mind being approached for an autograph but having his space invaded? And yours? That he didn't care for in the slightest.

He was here under secrecy, like the rest of the cast, and he decided to bring you with him. He couldn't go a week without you, let alone a month for filming. And you got to spend your time in one of the most beautiful places in the entire world. It was a complete win win.

"And here, you can see the famous Colosseum," The thick-accented tour guide said from the front of the bus. You weren't the only one to gasp when you saw it up close. You had only see it before in the movies, in pictures, on postcards. But here it was, grand and right in front of you. It was bigger than you had thought. It was completely breathtaking. You leaned into Tom, who put his arm around your shoulders, smiling at how cute you were when you were excited.

"I still can't believe we're really here," You said to him, quietly. It had been a split second decision for you to say yes to coming. You went on leave from work, which promised that you would still have a place there when you got back. You got a neighbor to agree to water your plants and feed your pets. And then you packed because this seemed like a once in a lifetime opportunity. The only slight downside was that Tom had been here before, and wasn't as blown away by it as you were. But he seemed to be enjoying himself nonetheless. He was smiling all throughout the tour.

"You love it?" Tom asked, and you nodded. You brought out your camera to take some pictures of the ancient building. The bus kept moving so you weren't able to take the most amazing shots, but you zoomed in to get some of the details.

"I just never stop being amazed by the way that people built things before cranes," You giggled, putting the camera back in your lap as the tour continued past the building. It would be a few minutes before you got to the next real attraction, but it was cute to see all the little shops along the way. You would be picking up souvenirs, no doubt. You were already thinking what to get for your friends, for your family. For yourself too, if you were being honest.

"Do you want to come back later?" Tom asked, snuggling against you. He was too focused on you to look at the sights. "Like, say, for our honeymoon?"

"You're going to have to show the ring first, before you think of a honeymoon," You laughed, demurely. "No - as much as I'm falling in love with the place, we still have the rest of the world to explore."

"Very true, very true," Tom said with a nod. He really couldn't stop smiling, his mind already filled with thoughts of where else you two could go. Florence, Abu Dhabi, Stockholme, Tokyo.... the world seemed endless.


After the tour, Tom had made reservations at a private, but very fancy restaurant. You were excited to finally try real Italian food. "I hope it's as good as Olive Garden," You joked when the car drove close to it. This place was so different from America, you were noticing, and in the best way. There wasn't a big, glowing sign to announce the restaurant that took up the skyline. Nor were there any neon signs advertising different drinks and sodas, that you could see anyway.

Once you were inside, Tom having opened the door for you and a waiter came by to take your coats, you noticed how everything spoke for itself. There was no need for all of the advertisements. Even the coasters just had the name of the restaurant rather than beverages or dessert options. It was truly a beautiful place.

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