120. Tom Hiddleston | The Panel

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By : your-highnessmarvel

Hi! If you have time and will to write, I'm sending a request! (Because I adore your writing and you're awesome) Anyway, was thinking about Tom x OC where they're doing an panel together (they're both actors) and a fan asks them if it's true they're together (because they never confirmed it but have been spotted together a lot) and it's all cute and fluffy? Sorry if it's a dumb idea, I love you no matter if you write it or not ❤️


The panel was lit up with overhead lights, the audience impatient to receive the answers to all their impending questions.

You were sat beside Tom, who had been quite agitated and kept drinking his water as if he'd spent an entire day in the desert. You knew why he was this uncomfortable. The magazines had been pasted lately with pictures of the two of you; at dinner, at lunch, walking together in the streets of London, or simply sitting eating ice cream like you loved to do on hot Sunday afternoons.

Even you were scared to receive the question.

One fan stood and walked to the mic. "I have a question for RDJ," she said, smiling nervously. You and Tom sighed in relief. At least, it wasn't the first damn question.

Robert squeaked as he was handed a microphone. "How was it to reunite with the gang, being that you're the mother of the MCU?" the fan asked.

The whole panel burst into laughter, including RDJ. "Well," he laughed, the noise resonating in the mic and in the room. "Since I'm such a mom, I found it very gratifying to see all my children in the same room!"

Panel and audience members alike began to laugh.

"A question for the women of the cast," came another fan. Tom patted your thigh under the desk. You'd been to a few, smaller, panels for movies that were not as big and anticipated as The Avengers. So now, under the bright lights, you were a bit nervous. "How was it to be on set with so many men, so much testosterone, and so much masculinity?"

The director of the panel said, "how about we start with Y/N, huh?"

You cleared your throat, grabbing the mic that Tom handed to you. "Uh, well," you giggled nervously, "it wasn't at all bad. I mean, the boys are very welcoming and they give you the space you need. They're understanding and, if I do say so myself, quite Omega." The room laughed and you felt a weight lifted from your shoulders.

"I totally agree with Y/N," Elizabeth said, laughing. "The guys might be bigger in number, but when it comes to decisions and things like that, they turn to us."

Cobie giggled into her mic, saying, "whenever it came down to blocking and how hard they should be hit, they'd get all scared about being touched in their precious face!"

The boys on the panel groaned in unison, but it just made you all laugh. Good memories on set.

The fan, satisfied, returned to his seat and up came another one. "I have a question for Tom Hiddleston," he said. Tom leaned forward in his seat, thumb scratching his chin. "This isn't related to the movie, but we've seen a lot of pictures of you and Y/N hanging out outside of set. Is it strictly personal or is there something between you two?" The fan was laughing, but your belly filled with fire and a nervous smile crept onto your lips. Tom's cheeks flamed red.

"Oh, this is gonna be good," RDJ laughed.

"It's a whole romance story," Chris Evans added, grabbing his left boob as he laughed with Downey.

Tom was laughing, but you could see he was nervous and didn't know how to handle it. You'd told yourselves you'd let the world figure it out. Yes, you were together, as man and woman, but it didn't mean you had to run to the media to announce. Public attention didn't justify the relationship.

"Y/N and I are, yes, in a romantic relationship," he started in his oh so polite and respectful manner. The crowd erupted in oohs and aahs, laughing, cheering as you were both red-faced. The panel of your fellow actors were smiling, clapping you both on the shoulder for good measure. "We kept it a secret for a while, but now, I don't think we can anymore."

"He was really keen on privacy," you added, laughing.

"How long has it been?" the fan asked, satisfied smile on his face.

"Official, a few months," Tom added, "but I mean, I was into her the second she set foot on set." The crowd laughed.

"He was eyeballing her the entire time," Hemsworth groaned sarcastically.

"Well, she's so damn beautiful!" Tom added. "No no, I mean, we had to keep it professional. But, when I asked her out, it was an immediate yes."

"I was into him as much as he was into me," you added.

"Did the rest of the cast know?" the fan continued.

"Some did at the beginning," you added, pointing to Liz and Tom Holland. "Others found out dramatically."

"I mean," RDJ said loudly into the mic. "I go to pick her up for blocking and stuff, and when I get to her trailer, there's Tom coming out with bright red cheeks and his hair a bit ruffled." Both you and Tom laughed, shaking your heads.

"I saw them getting into a car together," Evans added. "And when I ask Tom, like, hey bro, you and Y/N that's nice, he just shakes his head with a small smile. They tried to keep it from us, but let's be honest, they suck at hiding it!"

Everybody was laughing. You looked at Tom and he put his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to his body. The crowd began to ooh and aah again, bringing the attention of the actors in the panel to you both.

"They're so damn cute!" Holland squeaked, laughing.

"Okay, next question!" you said through the mic, making the crowd laugh.

Under the table, you felt Tom's hand squeezing you thigh. Damn, maybe you loved this man.

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