95. Henry Cavill | Bear Cuddles

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By : imnotwolverine | Tumblr

Henry Cavill x reader

Word count: 1.581

Warnings: bit of expressive language + pure and utter fluff <3


It was Friday afternoon and you all but wanted to cry, your heavy legs carrying you up the stairs to your apartment at an excruciatingly slow pace.

Your neighbours were already well into their weekend celebrations as you heard their loud music booming through the hallway, the thin walls definitely not managing to silence their ill choice of mumble rap "music". You sighed, digging through your pocket to find your keys. Hmm. No keys. Your bag perhaps?

Shrugging off the heavy bag from your shoulder you squatted down on the floor to dig through the gazillion little things that made out to be your 'bare necessities' while on the road. Some basic make-up, writing gear, a usb drive, a tiny sewing kit, a spare pair of leggings, a few peppermints...but ..no keys.

Darn it!

When did you last see them? Your mind was a bit of a blur as you had practically been on zombie-mode ever since getting up. You had been having a rough night as you had just gotten your period. And the many days of working late this week sure didn't help either. But this? THIS?!

Just your luck.

You could only remember pulling the door closed this morning as you had to rush to the bus stop. Wait. Rewind a bit. Pulling..the door..closed. Oh FUCK. You left your keys inside! How did this always happen to you?

Annoyed with your own stupidity you pulled your phone out of your pocket - thankfully you didn't lose THAT - and opened your contacts list. Scrolling through the many names your panic started to take a hold of you. Your best friend was out of town. Your ex had recently returned your key. The spare key in your office was inaccessible as the office was already closed. So..who else had a key? Did you really have to call your landlord? Or one of those key repair services. Oh this was bad.

Scrolling further down your eye fell on his name.


A smile crept over your tired face as you remembered the night you had met Henry. The two of you had been quite drunk. Or should you say..really drunk? You two had been soo drunk that this one-night-stand of you two had absolutely failed: you had both fallen asleep. It did however make for a pretty funny moment as you both woke up, neither one of you quite sure about what had happened. Like..did anything happen at all? Well, just to be sure, you had made up for it with a second, much improved round of morning sex. Followed by breakfast in bed. Followed by a whole day of lounging around in your underwear. Followed by many more hook-ups whenever either of you needed it. And it was just what you needed since anything more serious was just not happening as your busy work schedules didn't allow for this thing called 'dating'.

It had been a week ago since you had last seen him and..you DID give him a key beforehand so he could let himself in while you were working late.

Should you call him?

Your finger hovered over the call button as you hesitated for a moment. What if he wanted to have sex? You definitely didn't. Gosh. All you wanted to do was hide away in a blanket and pillow fort and watch bad movies with a large bottle of wine and pizza. Or..what if he wasn't in town? Or if he was with someone else? Or...

Your thumb accidentally slid over the green button and any further trepidation was thrown out of the window. Your faith was decided upon as he answered after a few rings, his baritone voice greeting you with an upbeat tone.

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