Ending at Alcatraz| Imagine

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AN: Happy Death Island release day! 

This imagine is loosely based on a scene from DI, so beware of spoilers!!


Leon and Jill give each other an uneasy look but I don't wait around to see what their plan of action is. I holster my gun and run to the exit, I'm not risking Claire and Chris' lives and I need to see if they're okay. 

As soon as we get back into the main cell block, I see Claire and Chris locked in different cells. I kneel next to Claire, frowning at the guy behind her, seconds later it clicks. He's the guy Leon and I came here to get, however right now I'm too worrier about my friends. 

"Are you alright? What's going on?" I ask Claire, but a sudden voice from above calls out. Leon, Jill and I raise our guns, as the man introduces himself as Dylan Blake. I narrow my eyes as he begins giving some ridiculous speech, but I hold out from shooting since Leon and Jill listen. 

All of a sudden Leon presses a hand against his neck, his face contorts in pain as his aim loosens, and he slumps against the cells. I panic and turn to face him, but then something stings my neck and I immediately feel weak. Ill. Infected. 

"Ah fuck," I mumble, my legs giving way as I fall to the ground, my gun slides across the floor as Leon calls out for me, but everything blurs and I break out into a horrid sweat despite the fact I'm freezing. A gunshot goes off and I hear a body behind me fall, when I hear Claire gasp relief fills me. 

Dylan says a few more things before the blonde woman who's with him jumps down and grabs Jill's throat. I try to move to help, but I can't. Leon calls out and throws a flash grenade, giving time for Jill to run. The blonde woman turns to Leon and my head lulls to the floor until I hear him in pain. Anger fuels me, giving me the energy I need to grab my knife and fling it at her, but she dodges it and turns to me. Good. 

"Leave them, they'll die soon enough." Dylan dismisses, the woman follows his order as they both leave us all to die.

"Y/N," Leon grunts painfully, his hand is outstretched towards me, I wince as I crawl towards him, the echoes of all our laboured breaths fills the cell block, a orchestra of inevitable death. I finally reach Leon, panting as his arm wraps around me, I collapse onto his lap looking up at him as his fingers weave through my hair. 

"Hey, you don't look so good, think you need some sun." I attempt to tease to Leon, he huffs a laugh but frowns as he grabs his chest. I try to sit up but I let out a small noise of pain, everything hurts, and I vaguely hear Claire behind us trying to help Dr Taylor. 

"I'm glad you're the last thing I get to see before, you know..." Leon mumbles, his eyes flutter shut as he takes a shuddery breath. 

I shake my head, using the rest of my little energy to grab his hand and link our fingers together, our hands rest on my chest as I try to keep holding on. "Don't say that, besides, you're eyes will be the last thing I'll see, hopefully I'll go first-" 

Leon gulps as he tenses, "Don't-" his voice cracks, "You're stronger than me, which is kind of annoying since I'm supposed to be strong for you," he swallow again, his teeth bare from the pain before he continues, "You're even kicking my ass at dying. My tough girl." 

My eyes fill with tears as Leon attempts to smile at me, I notice his breathing slows and his grip on my hand goes limper. "Don't you fucking dare die Leon Kennedy." I warn. Chris and Claire don't sound too good either, and what was left of my hope soon fades. 

I lie there with my head on Leon's lap, surrounded by my friends and with the confidence that Jill will fix this as my eyes close. 

Boots awaken me. I poke open an eye to see a blurry figure jogging towards us carrying a briefcase. "Rebecca?" I hear Leon mumble. 

She knees down next to us and quickly opens the case. "I've got the vaccine, I was worried you'd need it." She begins, grabbing one syringe and grabbing Leon's neck, but he shakes his head. 

"Y/N first." 

Rebecca slightly smiles despite the situation and tilts my head, another sharp sting pierces my neck but within seconds I'm feeling better, still drowsy, but not deathly. 

I immediately sit up and throw my arms around Leon, who now has the vaccine running through him. He smiles and hugs me back, pulling me fully onto his lap as Rebecca sees to Chris and Claire. "I thought we were going to-" I begin, but Leon shushes me as a stray tear escapes my eyes. 

"Not today. Not for a while, and when we do, we'll be old and married and will be ready." Leon whispers as I pull back and kiss him. 

I stand up a few moments later, knowing now isn't the time to get comfy. "Jill is alone, and that woman is out there." I begin, the others nod and we make a plan, but I interrupt. 

"I'm going after her," Leon gives me an odd look so I explain, "she hurt something of mine, so I've got to break a few bones." Leon looks awestruck as Chris whistles clearly impressed, before heading in the direction Jill went. 

"That's my girl," Leon chuckles grabbing my hand, "but we should actually save the world again rather than just get revenge." 

I shrug as we head back underground. "You've always been better at this job then me."

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