Shuichi Saihara, Where Are Ya? (6)

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      Himiko was tight-lipped during dinner. She couldn't keep her hand from trembling as she held her spoon, which caused the soup inside to wobble. Fortunately, the others were listening intently to Bessie, even Barty, so much that they didn't notice Himiko. She blinked furiously, trying to hold back her tears. She flinched when Kokichi turned to her. His face, which had been full of mischievous glee from listening to Bessie, became filled with concern upon seeing Himiko's distressed face. He leaned in closer to her so as not to attract any attention from the others. He lifted his eyebrows and slightly tilted his head as if to ask "what's wrong?" Himiko merely shook her head in response. Kokichi continued to stare at her, silently prodding her for answers. Himiko quietly sighed in defeat, then discreetly flickered her eyes across the table. Using his peripheral vision, Kokichi could see that Himiko was gesturing towards Barty. Kokichi smiled and nodded briefly at Himiko, understanding who she was talking about it. Lowering his hands so that only Himiko could see them, he tapped his wrist with his index finger, silently letting her know that they would discuss the matter at a later time. Himiko gave him a small smile and nodded back to him, indicating that she understood. Kokichi smiled and gave her a quick wink in return before turning his attention back to Bessie.  


   Later that night, everyone was getting ready for bed. Bessie and Barty would sleep in their rooms, while Kokichi, Himiko, Shuichi, and Mystery Inc. all agreed to sleep downstairs in the living room. 

   "I'm sorry we don't have any sleeping bags, but I hope all these blankets and pillows will do," Bessie said with an apologetic smile as everyone spread the blankets and pillows across the living room floor.

   "We'll be fine, Bessie. Thanks!" Fred assured her. Bessie nodded.

   "Well, in that case, lights out! Good night! If you guys get hungry in the middle of the night, help yourselves to anything you like," she said. Everyone bid Bessie good night before she turned the lights out and headed upstairs. Himiko felt herself drifting off to sleep; the sight of Kokichi, who was sleeping next to her, drifting away into total blackness. It wasn't long before she felt someone nudging her arm. She slowly lifted her eyelids to see that Kokichi was wide awake. He moved in closer to her and lowered his head and voice so as not to be heard by the others.

   "The others are asleep," he whispered. "So, what's up with Barty?"

   "He threatened me before right before dinner," Himiko whispered back. Kokichi lifted his head up, giving Himiko his full attention. Himiko thought she could see a flicker of anger in his eyes before reverting back to the curious and attentive gleam they had before. He lowered his head back down.

   "What happened?" he whispered firmly. 

  "Nyeh...well, I accidentally scratched the paint off the wall that leads into the kitchen, and when I did, he grabbed my shoulder and told me to be careful."

   "He put his hands on you?" Kokichi asked in a low, menacing voice. Himiko nodded in dismay. Kokichi balled his fists in and out, trying to control the anger that was rising inside of him. He forced himself to calm down. "Where exactly did you scratch the paint off?" Himiko rose up and pointed to the wall where Barty had threatened her. But, she noticed that the scratch was gone.

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