Kokichi Meets His Parents (3)

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    Kokichi ran as fast as he could away from that house. He didn't stop running until he wound up in a secluded area of the park, away from the kids playing at the playground and the occasional joggers. Standing underneath a lone tree, he pondered what he just went through. His father had wanted him dead. His father hated him, and his mother didn't even fight for him. She merely gave him away and forgot about him. Kokichi felt his blood boil. He clenched his fists in anger as tears began to stream from his eyes. 

   "Kokichi!" came Himiko's voice in the distance. Kokichi quickly wiped his eyes and put on a happy face just as Himiko found him. "Nyeh! There you are!" She walked over to him. 

   "What are you doing here?" Kokichi asked. The tone of his voice took Himiko by surprise. 

    "Nyeh...I decided to take a walk in the park before going back home," she answered. "And I just happened to see you running all the way over here! Did something happen?"

   "Hahaha, nope!" Kokichi replied, placing his hands behind his head. "I just...needed a jog is all." Himiko stared at him intently. His smile seemed forced. "Welp, we should go home!" Kokichi started to walk away, but Himiko grabbed his arm.

   "Kokichi? Did...something happen?" she asked quietly. 

   "Hm? No," Kokichi replied, yanking his arm away from Himiko. "C'mon, Himiko. Let's just go home." His voice sounded slightly agitated. Himiko grabbed his arm again. 

   "Kokichi...you can tell me," she said. Kokichi turned around with a crazy smile on his face.

   "I'm telling you, Himiko, nothing happened!" he said. "See? I'm happy! I feel fine! Now let's go home already, okay?!" He turned to walk away, but Himiko wouldn't let him. She grabbed his arm one last time. 

   "You said it yourself, Kokichi. It's not good to lie to yourself," Himiko said softly. "So, what are you repressing? Why are you trying so hard to hold back?" Kokichi turned to her. Himiko's eyes locked firmly onto his, which began brimming with tears. He clenched his fists as he felt all his anger and sadness rising again. 

   "My parents hate me!!" he yelled as tears flowed from his eyes. He clutched the sides of his head as he uttered the truth that he had feared for so many years. Sinking to the ground, he began to sob. "It wasn't enough for everyone else to hate me, and now, my own damn parents hate me! My dad...even wants me dead!! And for what?! Because he didn't get the fucking money he thought he deserved?! And he has the audacity to take that out on me?! " He ripped some blades of grass and some flowers from the ground and threw them with all his might. "Screw that motherfucking asshole!!" he cried. "Screw you!! " He turned to Himiko. "And my mom?! She just gave me away and never looked back!! She never tried to fight for me, she never even tried to visit me at that shitty orphanage, or anything!! Screw her, too!!" He sat on the ground, burying his head in between his arms and legs, just letting his tears of anger and sadness fall down his face. Himiko felt tears from her own eyes fall down her face as she silently allowed him to cry to himself. After almost an hour had passed before Kokichi began to finally calm down. The sun had set, and a full, bright moon hovered peacefully in the night sky. Kokichi laid down on the grass, sighing as the remaining tears fell down his face. Himiko laid down next to him. Kokichi looked at her as she gently placed her hand on his. He smiled sadly, but gratefully, at her. Himiko smiled back at him.

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