First Date

265 16 14

Your POV

"I told you, Lindsey. I don't need to date any of your a cappella friends." Your friend Lindsey, really wanted you to get a boyfriend so the both of you could go on double dates.

"Come on, ____. You know you would like a nice man," Lindsey insisted, "And I know the perfect one for you."

"Really, and who is that?"

"Avi Kaplan, the bass of Pentatonix."

You blushed at the name, because you knew who she was talking about and you had to admit, he was hot.

"Okay, fine. What happens if I make your wish come true by going on a date with him?"

Lindsey smirked, "You'd be happy forever."


Before the date

"Lindsey, are you sure he'll like me?" You asked her, feeling nervous.

"Of course, ____. He's the sweetest. He loves everyone."

"Then why aren't you dating him if he's so perfect?" You questioned.

"Because I have my eyes on another man."

"And who would that be?"

"Kevin Olusola. Avi's best friend, and Pentatonix's beatboxer."

You laughed slightly. "Well, you both play string instruments."

As you finished getting ready, you heard the doorbell ring.

"Have fun," Lindsey called after you as you trotted down the stairs.

You got to the door and nervously opened it, revealing the beautifully bearded man.

He wasn't too dressed up, but neither were you.

"Hi, I'm Avi," He introduced himself, smiling.

"I-I'm ____."

"That's a beautiful name."

You blushed. He's quite the gentleman, you thought.

"Shall we go?" He asked eagerly.

"Of course," You responded.

As you closed your front door, he reached his hand out.

You took his hand and he laced his fingers with yours.

As you walked to the restaurant you learned that he loved dragons, and that he's a very flirty and cuddly person. I could love a man like that, you thought.

"You look beautiful tonight," Avi told you as you sat down in a booth.

You blushed, "Thank you. You look very handsome."

This time, the tables turned, and he started blushing.

"Is someone blushing?" You playfully asked.

"N-Nope," He responded and laughed.

You both ordered your food, and waited for it to come.

As you were sitting there, you asked each other what you wanted in the future.

"So, do you want kids?" Avi asked, seeming anxious.

"Yeah, do you?" You responded, and Avi sighed in relief.

"Yep, I'm glad you do too, because that's definitely something I want."

You smiled at him.

"____, I really like you, and I think we would be very compatible together. So, what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?" Avi asked, nervously.

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